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Court Proceedings (Electronic Technology) Ordinance

Part 6
Ord. No. 20 of 2020
Section 24

Part 6
Disallowing Use of e-system

24. Court may disallow use of e-system for sending documents

(1) In an e-proceeding, the court may—

(a) give a direction disallowing the use of an e-system by a person for sending any document to the court (except for documents already sent), in relation to—
(i) the whole proceeding; or
(ii) a particular procedure; and
(b) give any other direction that the court considers necessary because of a direction under paragraph (a).

(2) In exercising a power under subsection (1), the court may have regard to—

(a) the nature of the proceeding or procedure;
(b) the conduct of a party; or
(c) any other factor that the court considers relevant.