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Court Proceedings (Electronic Technology) Ordinance

Part 8—Division 2
Ord. No. 20 of 2020
Section 32

the court-related matter has the same effect as the payment of the external fee for that court-related matter.

(2) To avoid doubt, nothing in this Subdivision affects—

(a) any power or authority in or under an external enactment to provide for fees payable in respect of a court-related matter; or
(b) the application of an external fee to a court-related matter—
(i) that is not specified under section 29 (whether or not carried out by an electronic mode); or
(ii) to which the application of an e-fee is restricted under section 30.

Division 2—Implementation Notices

32. Implementation notices

(1) The Chief Justice may provide for the phased implementation of the use of electronic technology in e-Courts and court offices—

(a) by notice published in the Gazette; and
(b) in accordance with this section.

(2) The Chief Justice may, in an implementation notice, specify the date with effect from which electronic technology may be used for a purpose under Part 5 in relation to—

(a) a particular e-Court (whether or not at a particular venue); or
(b) a type or description of proceeding in an e-Court (whether or not at a particular venue) for which the use of an e-system has been authorized by rules made under section 26(2)(b).