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Court Proceedings (Electronic Technology) Ordinance

Part 1
Ord. No. 20 of 2020
Section 3

e-proceeding (電子程序)—see section 11(2);

e-system (電子系統) means the information system designated under section 7;

implementation notice (實施公告) means a notice published under section 32(1);

information system (資訊系統) has the meaning given by section 2(1) of the Electronic Transactions Ordinance (Cap. 553).

3. References to judge or judicial officer

In this Ordinance, a reference to a judge or a judicial officer—

(a) is a reference to a judicial officer as defined by section 2 of the Judicial Officers Recommendation Commission Ordinance (Cap. 92); and
(b) includes a person appointed as a deputy or temporary judicial officer to perform the duties of, or to act otherwise in the office of, a judicial office as defined by that section.