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Tlie ' MOLLY BAWN' SERIES of POPULAR NOVELS. Works by the Author of 'MOLLY BAWN,' 'GREEN PLEASURE AND GREY GRIEF,' &c. &c. In Pictorial Cavers, fcp. ivo. 2s.; or, in limp red cloth, fcp. 8vo. 2s. 6d. each. PHYLLIS : a Novel. ' A clever and interesting novel ; the author possesses refinement and humour. Spectator. 'Very pleasant writing. " Phyllis" is eminently a readable book.' — Queen. MOLLY BAWN. • Really an attractive novel, idealising human life without departing from the truth, and drpicting the love of a tender, feminine, yet high-spirited girl in a most touching manner. Full of wit, spirit, and gaiety, the book contains, nevertheless, touches of the most exquisite pathos ; and the insight into the human heart shows the author has studied the subject closely and well. There is plenty of fun and humour, which never degenerate into v^algarity. We advise all to order " Molly Bawn " from the circulating library. All women will envy and all men will fall in love with her. Higher praise we surely cannot give.' — ATHEN.EUM. 'AIRY FAIRY LILIAN.' 'Readers of "Phyllis" and "Molly Bawn" will hear with much pleasure of the appearance of a new story by the same author, "Airy Fairy Lilian,' a delightful story, cast in the same mould as its predecessors. The characters are cleverly drawn, the dialogue is terse and pointed.' — Court Journal. MRS. GEOFFREY. ' " Mrs. Geoffrey " is a most delightful work, and ought to be very popular.' Court Journal. ' A prettier or more readable story than "Mrs. Geoffrey " nobody need wish to meet with." — Scotsman. ROSSMOYNE. ' Monica Beresford is a very pretty example of Irish naivety dissociated from shille- laghs ; and there is true humour in the conception of Kit, her sister.'— Academy. DORIS. ' ' ' Doris " is a clever story of a marriage of convenience The dialogue is good ; that of "Dicky Browne," a kind of licensed jester, being really bright and lively. The heroine is well drawn, and so is a terrible aunt of hers, whose encounters with the Marquise (himself a clever portrait) are diverting.' — Academy. GREEN PLEASURE AND GREY GRIEF. '"Green Pleasure and Gr#y Grief" is what many of its readers will be inclined to call a sweetly pretty story.' — Athen/EUM. PORTIA. ' "Portia, or by Passions Rocked," is of the category of novels to which may fairly be applied the epithet of " charming."' — Morning Post. BEAUTY'S DAUGHTERS. 'Another triumph for an authoress who still prefers to remain unknown. Of the soccess of the story there can hardly be any doubt.' — Court Journal. ' One of the most delightful novels of the present season.' — Whitehall Review. FAITH AND UNFAITH. 'A singularly bright, vivacious, readable story.' — Illustrated London News. ' '■ Faith and Unfaith" is distinctly superior to three-fourths of the fiction published. .... The incidents are of a most painfully e.xclting kind, and the narrative is bright and lively throughout.' — Academy. LADY BRANKSMERE. 'The plot is capital, and the details are so cleverly and gradually worked out that the real denouement is never suspected. . . . The book is sufficiently sensational to suit the most ardent admirers of fiction, and yet contains much that is worthy of admiration. We feel sure that all libraries will do well to secure such a well- written novel.' Court Journal. London: SMITH, ELDER, & CO., 15 Waterloo Place.