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Hail, Banner of unfading youth,
Of old to Scotland dear!
When Freemen glowed with zeal for truth
And tyrants quailed for fear:
No stranger thou to battle shock,
On heathy plain, or rugged rock,
When Freedom called her faithful few
To rally round her Banner blue.

When first thine ample folds were thrown
O'er hearts no foe could daunt,
In golden ciphers brightly shone,
Tho’ Tyranny on hostile plain
Unfurled the flag of sanguine stain,
Yet, fearless of Oppression’s crew
Dunse Law maintained the Banner blue

When Scotland long had groaned and bled,
And, from her wasted plains,
Beheld her sons to slaughter led,
Or sold to foreign chains,
She drove the Tyrant from the throne,
Refused his forfeit right to own,
And bade her hills to WILLIAM'S view

Give welcome in her Banner blue!