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Sing, beside the weathered stones,
That protect your Martyrs’ bones,
Patriots’ blood and Exiles’ groans
Britain’s sons made free!

Thunder’s roll and lightning’s glare
Guard the Wand’rers’ plaee of prayer;
Lions crouehing in their lair,
Keep their revelry;

Fitful floats the plaintive psalm;
Pastors’ pleadings, bold or calm,
Kindle zeal, or pour your balm,
Truth and Liberty!

Traitors Age and Youth deride,
Bound to stakes on Bladnoeh's side,
Till the rush of Solway’s tide
Chokes their psalmody.

Godly Brown, thy prayer restrains
Rude Dragoons, who sport with pains;
Claver’se spatters with thy brains
Wife and family !

Terror seized the Tyrant’s erew;
Scotland waved her Banner blue;
Orange boldly round it threw
Holland’s chivalry.

Seots, revere your Fathers’ deeds;
Bible-training Freedom breeds;
Martyrs’ blood foments your seeds,
Truth and Liberty!