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The i. boke of Moſes.

The iij Chap. Fo. ij.

lege of good and euell, ſhalt thou not eate. For loke in what daye ſo euer thou eateſt therof, thou ſhalt dye the death.

And the LORDE God ſayde: It is not good yt ſhulde be alone. I wil make him an helpe, [footnote 1]to beare him cōpany. And whan God the LORDE had made of the earth all maner beaſtes of the felde, ⁊ all maner foules vnder the heauē, he brought them vnto man, to ſe what he wolde call thē: For as mā called all maner of liuinge ſoules, ſo are their names. And man gaue names vnto all maner cattell, ⁊ vnto the foules vnder the heauē, and vnto all maner beaſtes of ye felde. But vnto man there was founde no helpe, to beare him company.


Then the LORDE God cauſed an herde ſlepe to fall vpon man, and he ſlepte. And he toke out one of his rybbes, and(in ſteade therof) he fylled vp ye place with fleſh. And the LORDE God made a woman, of ye rybbe that he toke out of man, and brought her vnto him.[crossref 1] Then ſayde man: This is once bone of my bones, and fleſh of my fleſh. She ſhalbe called woman, becauſe ſhe was takē of man. For this cauſe ſhal a man leaue father and mother, and cleue vnto his wife, ⁊ they two ſhalbe one fleſh. And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not aſhamed.[crossref 2]

The III. Chapter.


BUt the ſerpent was ſotyller then all the beaſtes of the felde(which ye LORDE God had made)[crossref 3] and ſayde vnto the woman: Yee, hath God ſayde in dede: Ye ſhall not eate of all maner trees in the garden?[crossref 4] Then ſayde the woman vnto the ſerpent: We eate of the frute of the trees in the garden: But as for the frute of the tre that is in the myddes of the garden, God hath ſayde: Eate not ye of it, and touch it not, leſt ye dye.

Then ſaide the ſerpente vnto the woman: [crossref 5]Tuſh, ye ſhall not dye the death. For God doth knowe, that in what daye ſo euer ye eate of it, youre eyes ſhalbe opened, and ye ſhal be as God, and knowe both good and euell. And the woman ſawe that ye tre was good to eate of, and luſtye vnto the eyes, and a pleaſaunt tre [footnote 2]to make wyſe, and toke of the frute of it, and ate, and gaue vnto hir huſbande alſo therof, and he ate. Then were the eyes of them both opened, and they perceaued that they were naked, and ſowed fygge leaues together, and made them apurns.[crossref 6]


And they herde the voyce of the LORDE God, which walked in the garden in the coole of the daye. And Adam hyd him ſelf with his wyfe, from the preſence of ye LORDE God amonge the trees of the garden. And ye LORDE God called Adam, and ſayde vnto him: Where art thou: And he ſaide: I herde thy voyce in the garden, and was afrayed, becauſe I am naked, and therfore I hyd myſelf. And he ſayde: who tolde the, that thou art naked: Haſt thou not eaten of the tre, wherof I commaunded the, yt thou ſhuldeſt not eate?


Then ſayde Adam: the woman which thou gaueſt me(to beare me company) gaue me of the tre, and I ate. And the LORDE God ſayde vnto the woman: wherfore haſt thou done this? The woman ſayde: the ſerpent diſceaued me ſo, that I ate.[crossref 7] Then ſayde the LORDE God vnto the ſerpent: Becauſe thou haſt done this, curſed be thou aboue all catell and aboue all beaſtes of the felde. Vpon thy bely ſhalt thou go, ⁊ earth ſhalt thou eate all the dayes of thy life. And I wyll put enemyte betwene the and the woman, and betwene yi ſede and hir ſede.*[crossref 8] The ſame ſhal treade downe thy heade, and thou ſhalt treade him on the hele.

And vnto the woman he ſayde: I will increaſe thy ſorow, whan thou art with childe: with payne ſhalt thou beare thy childrē, and [footnote 3]thy luſt ſhal pertayne vnto yi hußbande, and he ſhal rule the.

And vnto Adam he ſayde: For ſo moch as

  1. Some reade: *To ſtōde nerre by him.
  2. Some reade: *whyle it made wyſe.
  3. Some reade: *Thou ſhalt
  1. Cor. 11. a
  2. Matt. 19. a
    Mar. 10. a
    Ephe. 5. c
    1. Cor. 6. c
    Gen. 3. b
  3. Eccli. 25. d
  4. 2. Cor. 11. a
  5. Iere. 14. b and 23. c
  6. Gene. 2. d
  7. Apo. 12. c
  8. Matt. 4. a
    *Col. 2. b

# ij