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The i. boke of Moſes.

The vi. Chap. Fo. iij.

God(ſayde ſhe) hath apoynted me another ſede, for Abell, whom Cain ſlew. And Seth begat a ſonne alſo, and called him Enos. At the ſame tyme beganne men to call vpon the name of the LORDE.


THis is the boke of the generacion of man, in the tyme whan God created man, and made him after the ſymilitude of God. Male and female made he them, and bleſſed thē, ⁊ called their names Man, in the tyme whan they were created. And Adam was an hundreth and thirtie yeare olde, and begat a ſonne, which was like his owne ymage, and called his name Seth: ⁊ lyued therafter eight hūdreth yeare, and begat ſonnes and doughters.[crossref 1] And his whole age was nyne hundreth and thirtie yeares, and ſo he dyed.

Seth was an hundreth and fyue yeare olde, and begat Enos: ⁊ lyued therafter eight hundreth and ſeuen yeare, and begat ſonnes and doughters. And his whole age was nyene hūdreth and twolue yeares, and ſo he dyed.


Enos was nyentie yeare olde, and begat Renan: and lyued therafter eight hundreth ⁊ fyftene yeare, and begat ſonnes ⁊ daughters. And his whole age was nyene hūdreth and fyue yeares, and ſo he dyed.

Renan was ſeuētie yeare olde, and begat Mahalaliel: and lyued therafter eight hundreth and fourtie yeare, and begat ſonnes ⁊ doughters. And his whole age was nyene hundreth and ten yeares, and ſo he dyed.

Mahalaliel was thre ſcore yeare olde ⁊ fyue, and begat Jared: and lyued therafter eight hundreth and thirtie yeare, and begat ſonnes and doughters. And his whole age was eight hundreth, nyentie and fyue yeares, and ſo he dyed.


Jared was an hundreth and two ⁊ ſixtie yeare olde, and begat Henoch: ⁊ lyued therafter eight hūdreth yeare, and begat ſonnes ⁊ doughters. And his whole age was nyene hundreth and two and ſixtie yeare, and ſo he dyed.[crossref 2]

Henoch was fyue and thre ſcore yeare olde, and begat Mathuſalah: and led a godly conuerſacion thre hundreth yeares therafter, and begat ſonnes ⁊ doughters. And his whole age was thre hundreth and fyue and thre ſcore yeares.[crossref 3] And for ſo moch as he lyued a godly life, God toke him awaye, ⁊ he was nomore ſene.

Mathuſala was an ūhdreth ⁊ ſeuē and foure ſcore yeare olde, ⁊ begat Lamech: and lyued therafter ſeuen hundreth and two and foure ſcore yeare, and begat ſonnes ⁊ doughters. And his whole age was nyene hundreth and nyene and tre ſcore yeares, and ſo he dyed.

Lamech was an hundreth and two and foure ſcore yeare olde, and begat a ſonne, ⁊ called him Noe, and ſayde: This ſame ſhall cōforte vs in oure workes, and in the ſorowe of oure hondes vpon the earth, which the LORDE hath curſed.[crossref 4] After this he lyued fyue hūdreth and fyue ⁊ nyentie yeare, and begat ſonnes and doughters. And his whole age was an hundreth ſeuen and ſeuentie yeares, and ſo he dyed.

Noe was fyue hundreth yeare olde, and begat Sem, Ham, and Japhet.

The VI. Chapter.


SO whan men beganne to multiplie vpon the earth, and had begot them doughters, the children of God ſawe the doughterss of men, that they were fayre, and toke vnto thē wyues ſoch as they liked. Then ſayde ye LORDE: My ſprete ſhal not allwaye ſtryue with man, for he is but fleſh alſo. I wil yet geue him reſpyte an hundreth and twēty yeares.[crossref 5] There were giauntes alſo in the worlde at that tyme. For whan the children of God had lyen with the daughters of men, and begotten them children, ye ſame(children) became mightie in the worlde, and men of renowne.


But whan the LORDE ſawe yt the wickednes of man was increaſed vpon ye earth, and that all ye thought and imaginacion of their hert was but onely euell contynually, it repented him, that he had made man vpon the earth, and he ſorowed in his hert, and ſayde: I wyll deſtroye man kynde which I haue made, from the earth: both man, beeſt, worme, and foule vnder the heauen: for it repenteth me, that I haue made them.[crossref 6] Neuertheles Noe founde grace in the ſight of the LORDE.[crossref 7]

This is ye generacion of Noe. Noe was a righteous and parfecte mā, and led a godly life in his tyme, and begat thre ſonnes: Sem, Ham and Japhet.[crossref 8] Notwithſtondinge ye earth was corrupte in ye ſight of God, and full of myſchefe. Then God loked vpon ye earth: and lo, it was corrupte(for all fleſh had corrupte his waye vpon the earth.)


Then ſayde God vnto Noe: Then ende of all fleſh is come before me, for the earth is full of myſchefe before them. And lo, I wyll deſtroye them with the earth. Make the an Arcke of Pyne tre, and make chambers in it,

  1. 1. Par. 1. a
  2. Eccli. 44. b
    Heb. 11. a
  3. Sap. 4. b
    4. Re. 2. a
  4. Gen. 3. d
  5. 1. Pet. 3. c
  6. 1. Re. 35. c
  7. Eſa. 42. c
  8. Eccl. 44. b
# iij