Page:Cowie's Printer's pocket-book and manual.djvu/14

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they are to leave the proof, or forfeit one penny for every neglect.

3. As soon as a form is wrought off, the pressman to carry it to the lie-trough, and there completely rub it over with lie, rinse it with water, and then carry it to the wrought off place, or to the end of the compositor's frame it belongs to. Threepence for each neglected form.

4. Leaving the lie-jar uncovered, a fine of one penny.


Agreed upon at a General Meeting of Master Printers, at Stationers' Hall, April 15, 1810.

Art. 1. All works in the English language, common matter, with space lines, including English and Brevier, to be cast up at 5¾d. per 1000; if in Minion, 6d.; in Nonpareil, 6¾d. Without space lines, including English and Brevier, 6d. per 1000; in Minion, 6¼d.; in Nonpareil, 7d.; in Pearl, with or without space lines, 8d.; heads and directions, or signature lines, included. A thick space to be considered as an en in the width, and an en to be reckoned an em in the length of the page; and where the number of letters amounts to 500—1000 to be charged; if under 500, not to be reckoned; and if the calculation at per thousand shall not amount to an odd threepence, the odd pence to be suppressed in the price of the work; but where it amounts to or exceeds threepence, there shall be sixpence charged. Em and en quadrats, or whatever is used at the beginning or end of lines, to be reckoned as an em in the width.

2. Works printed in Great Primer to be cast up as English; and all works in larger type than Great Primer, as half English and half Great Primer.

3. All works in foreign languages, though common type, with space lines, including English and Brevier, to be cast up at 6¼d. per 1000; if in Minion, 6¾d.; Nonpareil, d.