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{ \override Score.Rest #'style = #'classical \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f \time 3/8 << \new Staff { \key f \minor \relative d'' { \autoBeamOff \set Score.currentBarNumber = #145 
des8 bes16[( c]) des bes | c4. ~ | c8^\f bes16[( aes]) g[( f]) | c4. ~ | c8 r^\p
c16 c \bar "." \key f \major \repeat unfold 3 { f8 r c16 c }
f8 r f16 f | c'8 c^\cresc c | c c c | c c c | c r^\ff c16 c | f4. f4. f4. ~ | f8 f16[( e f e] | d8) e16[( d e d] | c8) d16[( c d c] | bes8) c16[( bes c bes] | a8) g f | c'4. ~ | c8 r r | e4\fermata f8 | f4. ~ | f4. ~ | f8 r r R4.*2  \bar ".|." } }
\addlyrics { van, Found an oc -- ca -- sion to sing __ Ra -- ta -- plan Ra -- ta -- plan! Ra -- ta -- plan! Ra -- ta -- plan! Ra -- ta -- plan, plan, plan, plan, plan, plan, plan, plan, plan, plan. Ra -- ta -- plan! plan, plan __ Ah! __ _ _ _ Ra -- ta -- plan! __ Ra -- ta -- plan! __ }
\new GrandStaff << \new Staff { \key f \minor \relative d'' { 
<< { des8 bes16[ c des bes] | c8 bes16 c des aes] }
\\ { f8 ees4_> ~ | ees8 r r } >>
g c, des | aes r r | <g e'> r r \bar "." 
\key f \major f'8\p r r | s4. | s4. |
s4. | <e g>8 <f a>\cresc <d f> | \repeat unfold 2 { <e g>8 <f a> <d f> | } <e g>[ c\ff] c'16[ c] |
<< { f8 d16 e f d | c8 d16[ e f d] | c8 d16[ e f d] | c8 f16[ e f e] | d8 e16[ d e d] | <c bes>8 d16[ c d c] | bes8 c16[ bes c bes] | a8 } 
\\ { f' \repeat unfold 3 { bes,4\sf( | a8) } c[ a] | <c f,> bes[ g] | e a[ f] | <a d,> g[ e] | <c f> } >>
<bes e g>[ <a f'>] | <c f c'> <c e bes'> <c f a> | q4.\rfz | <bes e g>\fermata\rfz | <a f'> | q8 <f' a> <f a c> | <f a f'> r r | q r r | <f c a> r r \bar ".|." } }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key f \minor \relative b { 
<bes bes,> <g g,> <ees ees,> | <aes aes,> <g g,> <f f,> | <e e,> <f f,> <bes, bes,> | <c c,> r r | q r r \bar "." \key f \major
<< { \repeat unfold 4 { r <f bes d> <f a c> } } \\ { \repeat unfold 4 { r bes, f } } >> 
\repeat unfold 3 { <c' e g> <c f a> <c d f> | } <c e g>[ c] <c c'>16[ q] | <f f,>8 \repeat unfold 3 { <f bes d>4( | <f a c>8) } <a a,>[ <f f,>] | <bes bes,> <g g,> <e e,> | <a a,> <f f,> <d d,> | <g g,> <e e,> <c c,> | <f f,> <c c,> <d d,> | <a a,> <g g,> <f f,> | <c c'>4. q_\fermata | << { f'4. ~ f4. } \\ { f,8 a c f c a } >> | f r r <f f'> r r <f f,> r r \bar "." } }
>> >> }

Cox. Well this is pleasant. This comes of having one's hair cut. None of my hats will fit me. Never mind, this one appears to me to wobble about rather less than the others (puts on hat), and now I'm off! By the by, Bouncer, I wish to know how it is that I frequently find my apartment full of smoke?
Boun. Why—I suppose the chimney—
Cox. The chimney doesn't smoke tobacco. I'm speaking of tobacco smoke. How is that?
Boun. (confused) Why—I suppose—yes—that must be it—
Cox. At present I am entirely of your opinion—because I haven't the most distant particle of an idea what you mean.
Boun. Why, the gentleman who has got the attics is hardly ever without a pipe in his mouth—and there he sits for hours, and puffs away into the fire-place.
Cox. Ah, then you mean to say that this gentleman's smoke, instead of emulating the example of all other sorts of smoke, and going up the chimney, thinks proper to affect a singularity by taking the contrary direction.
Boun. Why—
Cox. Then I suppose the gentleman you are speaking of is the same individual that I invariably meet coming up stairs when I'm going down, and going down when I'm coming up?
Boun. Why—yes—I—
Cox. From the appearance of his outward man, I should unhesitatingly set him down as a gentleman connected with the printing interest.
Boun. Yes, sir, and a very respectable young gentleman he is. Good morning Colonel.


Cox and Box.—8