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door of which opens into the room and the other out on to the front porch. As Mrs. Craig enters, she appears to have been dressed for this particular room. She wears an extremely fashionable fawn-colored ensemble suit, brown slippers and stockings, and a small, dark brown velvet toque. She carries a brown leather pocket-book and a brown silk umbrella.

Miss Austen hurries down the stairs and out through the portières at the right. Mrs. Harold comes in through the door up at the left, carrying the evening newspaper and some tabourette doilies, and moves down towards the center table.

Mrs. Harold (stopping halfway to the table and peering out after Miss Austen)

Is there something you wanted, Miss Austen?

Miss Austen

No, thanks, dear, I’m just looking for that pattern that I sent for the other day: I wanted to show it to Mrs. Frazier.

Mrs. Harold

Lift up the lid of that worktable there, Miss Austen; I think I saw a pattern of some kind in there this morning.
[Continuing to the table and putting down the newspaper and doilies.

Miss Austen

Yes, here it is, I have it. (There is a sound from the right) I knew I left it right here somewhere.
[She hurries in through the portières and up the stairs.

Mrs. Harold (moving up to the door at the left)

I gave those roses she brought to Mazie to put in some water.