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Five hundred pounds I will quickly pay thee,
And the half of my land by the light of the moon.

Immediately I married Sally,
Early by the morning dew,
And I made him pay down her portion,
On the table every pound
I did not tarry for to count it,
Or to look it o'er again,
But I swept it into my wife’s apron,
A pretty earn’d penny by the light of the moon.


Let’s be jovial fill our glasses,
Madness ’tis for us to think.
How the world is ruled by asses,
And the wise are sway’d by chink.

Then never let vain care oppress us,
Riches are to them a snare;
We’re ev’ry one as rich as Croesus,
While the bottle drowns our care.

Wine will make us red as roses,
And our sorrows quite forget