Page:Creation by Evolution (1928).djvu/40

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A sacred kinship I would not forego
Binds me to all that breathes; . . .
I am the child of earth and air and sea.
My lullaby by hoarse Silurian storms
Was chanted, and through endless changing forms
Of tree and bird and beast unceasingly
The toiling ages wrought to fashion me.

Lo! these large ancestors have left a breath
Of their great souls in mine, defying death
And change. I grow and blossom as the tree,
And ever feel deep-delving earthly roots
Binding me closely to the common clay;
Yet with its airy impulse upward shoots
My soul into the realms of light and day!
Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen


  • Darwin, Charles. Origin of Species; Descent of Man.
  • Guyer, Michael J. Being Well Born.
  • Holmes, Samuel J. Life and Evolution; The Trend of the Race.
  • Jennings, Herbert Spencer. Prometheus and other works.
  • Jordan, D. S. The Factor of Isolation in the Formation of Species: Smithsonian Report of 1925. War and the Breed.
  • Jordan, D. S., and Kellogg, Vernon. Evolution and Animal Life.
  • Kellogg, Vernon. Beyond War.
  • Kerr, J. Graham. Evolution.
  • Newman, Horatio H. Evolution; Genetics and Eugenics.
  • Nicoval, G. P. The Biology of War.
  • Osborn, Henry Fairfield. From the Greeks to Darwin and numerous other books and papers.
  • Osborn, Mrs. Lucretia Perry. The Chain of Life.
  • Parker, Geo. H. What Evolution Is.
  • Thomson, J. Arthur. The System of Animate Nature; Heredity in Relation to Eugenics, and other works.
  • Ward, Henshaw. Evolution for John Doe. (Simple language and very clever.)
  • Wiper, H. H. The Pedigree of the Human Race.

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