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Criminal Appeal Act 1968
Ch. 1915

Part I.

(3) When an appellant is admitted to bail under section 19 of this Act, the time during which he is at large after being so admitted shall be disregarded in computing the term of any sentence to which he is for the time being subject.

(4) The term of any sentence passed by the Court of Appeal under section 3, 4, 5, 11 or 13(4) of this Act shall, unless the Court otherwise direct, begin to run from the time when it would have begun to run if passed in the proceedings from which the appeal lies.

Restitution of property on conviction.
1894 c. 71.
(56 & 57 Vict.).
30.—(1) The operation of an order for the restitution of property to a person made on a conviction on indictment and the operation in case of any such conviction of section 24(1) of the Sale of Goods Act 1893 as to the revesting of the property in stolen goods on conviction shall (unless the court of trial direct to the contrary in any case in which, in their opinion, the title to the property is not in dispute) be suspended—

(a) in any case until the expiration of twenty-eight days from the date of conviction; and
(b) where notice of appeal or of application for leave to appeal is given within twenty-eight days from the date of conviction, until the determination of the appeal.

(2) In cases where the operation of such an order, or of section 24(1) of the Sale of Goods Act 1893, is suspended until the determination of the appeal, the order or that subsection, as the case may be, shall not take effect as to the property in question if the conviction is quashed on appeal.

(3) Provision may be made by rules of court for securing the safe custody of any property, pending the suspension of the operation of any such order or of the said section 24(1).

(4) The Court of Appeal may by order annul or vary any order made by the court of trial for the restitution of property to any person, although the conviction is not quashed; and the order, if annulled, shall not take effect and, if varied, shall take effect as so varied.


Powers of Court under Part I which are exercisable by single judge. 31.—(1) The powers of the Court of Appeal under this Part of this Act which are specified in subsection (2) below may be exercised by a single judge in the same manner as they may be exercised by the Court and subject to the same provisions.

(2) The said powers are the following:—

(a) to give leave to appeal;
(b) to extend the time within which notice of appeal or of application for leave to appeal may be given;