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away to his works, he remained behind, alone with Madame Eloirac, after the other guests had left. He was alone with her from xz.o p.m. tul at least xi.30, on the evidence of Francois. About one in the morning, Francois heard the front door close, and, coming doMm, found that both Felix and Madame had disappeared. Madame had changed her shoes and taken a coat and hat. On Boirac's return, a few minutes later, he foimd a note from his wife stating that she had eloped with Felix. Felix was believed to have gone to London next day, this having been stated by the manager of the Hotel Continental, as well as by Felix to his friend Martin outside his house when Constable Walker was listening in the lane. On that Sunday or the Monday following, a letter, apparently written by Felix, was g>sted in London. It contained an order on Messrs upierre to send a certain group of statuary to that dty. This letter was received by the firm on Tuesday. On the same day, Tuesday, the statue was packed in a cask and despatched to London via Havre and South- ampton. It reached Waterloo on the following morning, and was removed from there by a man who claimed to be Felix, and probably was. The next morning, Thurs- day, a similar cask was despatched from Channg Cross to the Gare du Nord in Paris, being met by a man giving his name as Jaqucs de Belleville, but who was probably Felix. The same evening, some fifty minutes later, a similar cask was delivered at the goods station of the State Railway in the rue Cardinet, for despatch to London via Kouen and long sea. Next day, Friday, Felix stated he received a typewritten letter purporting to be from Le Gautier, telling about the lottery and the bet, stating the cask wan being sent by long sea, and asking him to get it to his house. On the following morning, Saturday, he had a card from the same source, saying the cask had left, and on Monday, the 5th of April, he got the cask from the Bull/inch at St Katherine's Docks, and took it home.

Burnley's list then read as follows:—