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All Three [placing their hands on the Bible.] To strike… Ay.
Lambert [in a louder voice.] To strike… Ay. To lend us aid,
To hold your peace, and act?
All Three. To hold your peace, and act? We promise, ay.
Lambert.Be welcome!
[The three conspirators join the other Puritans.
Overton [to Lambert, in an undertone.
Be welcome! All goes well as well can be,
Lambert [aside.
Courage! To-morrow I shall have, past doubt,
A crown the more, or else a head the less!
Overton [pointing to the conspirators.
Look you—what store of friends!
Lambert [aside.] Look you—what store of friends! Of witnesses!
Syndercomb [in the group of conspirators.
Death to Cromwell!
Carr [to the Roundheads.
Death to Cromwell! My brethren, when your swords
Have struck down Cromwell, wakened from his dream,
That Baal o'erthrown, whom men kneel to adore,
What after will you do?
Ludlow [pensively.] What after will you do? Ay, what, in sooth?
Ormond [aside.]I know.
Lambert [embarrassed.] I know. A council we will then create,
Of ten at most.
Of ten at… [Aside.] Which but one head shall have.
Harrison [hastily.] Ten members, General! 'Tis far too few!
Say seventy, the number consecrate,
As in the Sanhedrim.
Carr. As in the Sanhedrim. The lawful power
Is the Long Parliament, dispersed by crime.