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Ormond. And Tyre's. With the royal martyr's blood
His hands are wet.
Harrison. His hands are wet. Regardless of our rights
Won by so many wars, he doth restore
The Cavaliers their forfeited estates.
Palmer.At the lewd feast which, in the City's name,
Was given him last night by the Lord Mayor,
He was saluted. He received the sword,
Then gave it back.
Lambert. Then gave it back. Ah! these be kingly airs!
Joyce.England is lost!
Jenkins. England is lost! Taxes he doth impose,
He sits in judgment, and, without appeal,
Absolves or convicts.
Willis. Absolves or convicts. 'Twas at his behest
That Hamilton, Lord Capell and Lord Holland
Were done to death; they were this tiger's prey.
Barebones.Doublets of silk he shamelessly doth wear!
Overton.To all of us he hath denied our due.
Bradshaw is exiled.
Rochester. Bradshaw is exiled. Bradshaw is not hanged!
Pimpleton.In scorn of Holy Writ he tolerates
The rites of popery and prelacy.
Davenant.Of Westminster he hath profaned the tombs!
Ludlow.He bade them bury Ireton by torch-light!
The Cavaliers.The sacrilegious knave!
The Roundheads. The sacrilegious knave! Idolater!
Joyce.No, no! my friends; no mercy!
Syndercomb [drawing his dagger.] No, no!… Let him die!
All [waving their daggers.
Let us destroy the tyrant and his brood!

[At this moment there comes a loud knocking at the