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Murray [to Carr, elbowing him.
Comrade, with visions would you vex my lord?
[To the others.] From our petitions he'll divert his thoughts.
[Roughly to Carr.
Colonel Jephson. Away! Away!
Serg. Maynard. Away! Away! Away!
All. Away! Away! Away! Come, haste! be off!
Carr [gravely.]Forbear, I bid you, to speak thus to me.
Serg. Maynard.If he should see thee, straightway would my lord
Commit thee to the Tower.
[Carr glances at him and shrugs his shoulders.
Sir William Murray [pointing to Carr's puritanical dress.]
Commit thee to the Tower. Is this fit guise
Wherein to appear at court?
Lenthall. Wherein to appear at court? To speak to thee
My lord would sadly lack of self-respect.
[They throw themselves upon Carr and try to drag him from the hall.
Carr [struggling, in a tone of anguish.
Away! O Thou the God of men of war,
Thou God of Sabaoth, vouchsafe to cast
Thine eyes upon me!
All [pushing him.] … me! Go!
Carr [continuing his invocation and looking upward.
… me! Go! In thy blest cause
I struggle with Leviathan!

[Enter Cromwell, attended by Thurloe. All cease their efforts, uncover, and bow to the ground. Carr puts on his hat, which has fallen off during the scuffle, and resumes his stern, rapt attitude.