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I can reveal thy sore.
Cromwell [with disdainful satisfaction, aside.
I can reveal thy sore. Whate'er they be
To him who pays or flatters them, at heart
These good Republicans are all alike.
What dost thou ask? A title and its arms?
Or military rank? or an estate?
Carr. Or military rank? or an estate? Thou say'st?
Cromwell.What wouldst thou at our hands? speak.
Carr. What wouldst thou at our hands? speak. Abdicate.
Cromwell [aside.]He is incorrigible!
[Aloud, after a moment's reflection.
He is incorrigible! Am I king,
That I should abdicate?
Carr. That I should abdicate? Mere subterfuge.
How now! dost palter with thy word so soon?
Cromwell [abashed.]Why, no!
Carr. Why, no! I see that thou dost hesitate.
Cromwell [sighing.]Alas! I have put force upon myself
An hundred times, not to resign my rule.
My power's my cross.
Carr [shaking his head.]Thou dost not mend thy ways,
Cromwell. Methinks 'tis easier by far
For camel to pass through a needle's eye,
Or eel to swallow the leviathan,
Than for the rich and powerful of earth
To enter in at heaven's radiant doors!
Cromwell [aside.
Carr [aside.] Hypocrite!
[To Cromwell.] In subtle speech