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[Aloud.]Fair sir, I have no wish to ruin you.
Cromwell [in amazement, disdainfully.
Thou sayest?
Rochester. Thou sayest? On the contrary, I come
To give you counsel: in this place, your speech
Is far too contumacious.
Cromwell. Is far too contumacious. Mine?
Rochester. Is far too contumacious. Mine? Ay, yours.
Go hence, or I shall summon aid.
Cromwell [aside.] Go … I shall summon aid. He's mad.
[Aloud.]What moves thee to address me in this wise?
Rochester.Reflect that you're 'neath the Protector's roof.
Cromwell.Who art thou, pray?
Rochester. Who art thou, pray? His lowliest servitor,
His chaplain.
Cromwell [hotly.] His … Thou dost lie with strange assurance.
My chaplain, thou?
Rochester [in dire alarm, aside.] 'Tis Cromwell! O my God!
What do I hear? 'Tis Cromwell! There must be
A traitor 'mongst us!
Cromwell.Thou should'st drag thyself
Before me on thy knees, thou rank impostor!
Rochester.Pardon, my lord—your Highness—
Pardon, …your Highness— [Aside.] Does one say
Your Highness or your Grace?
Your… or your Grace? [Aloud.] Pray pardon me.
My error comes from all too hot a zeal
Against your foes. Words indistinctly heard—
Cromwell.But why this falsehood?
Rochester. But why this falsehood? 'Twas a dream, whereof
My deep devotion did anticipate