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You have forgotten that men call me now
"Your Highness" and "my lord." These titles vain
Do much importune my humility.
But, to my great affliction and regret,
The people who hold sway, and in whose cause
I sacrifice myself, will have it so.
I am resigned; be you resigned, likewise.
[Milton rises proudly, and exit.
In truth, he's right.—Ay, but he vexes me.
Charles First?—But no, thou dost but ill foresee
My fortunes, Milton: kings like Oliver
Die not such deaths. They may be poniarded,
Not tried.—Nathless I will reflect thereon.—
A dread alternative!

Scene 5.—Cromwell, Lady Frances.

Cromwell [seeing Lady Frances as she enters.
Frances!—'Twould seem that, heedful of my griefs,
Radiant she comes to banish my black humours,
Like a young star, shining in darkest night.
Come hither, child. When I am ill at ease
Some instinct always brings thee to my side,
Thou lovely angel with a human face.
Whene'er I see thee I am overjoyed.
Thy bright and sparkling eye, thy soft, sweet voice
Have charms for me that give me back my youth.
Come, child, and let thy father at thy side
Be born again. Alone thou knowest nought
Of the world's villainy.—Kiss me, my love.—
I love thee better far than all thy sisters.
Lady Frances [kissing him, with a joyous air.
I prithee tell me, father, is it true
That you do purpose to restore the throne?