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Rochester [aside.]Ah! traitress!
Cromwell [appeased.] That's another matter.
Rochester [aside.] …tress! That's another matter What!
The gallows or the hag! In this dire strait,
God grant that he do leave me free to choose!
Cromwell [to Rochester.
Why did you not speak out at once, my friend?
Since still you feel a hankering for the flesh—
Rochester [aside.]The flesh, forsooth! Say for a skin glued fast
To a duenna's bones.
Cromwell. To a duenna's bones. We'll grant your prayer.
It is abhorrent to me to be feared.
I am content with you, and you shall have
Your fair.
Rochester [aside.] My fair! A damnable old ghost!
A body to repel the beasts of prey!
A face to make a sorceress miscarry.
Cromwell [aside.]Methought at first that he had better taste.
[Aloud.]Yes, I consent to marry you to her.
Rochester [bowing.]My lord, you are too kind.
Cromwell. My lord, you are too kind. All your desires
Shall be fulfilled.
[Enter Dame Guggligoy.

Scene 9.—The Same, Dame Guggligoy.

Dame Guggligoy [terrified, aside.
Shall be fulfilled. Heav'n help us! All is lost!
The father and the lovers cheek by jowl!
Cromwell.'Tis you, good dame!
Dame Guggligoy [aside.] …good dame! I tremble with affright.
Cromwell.There's one who seeks you here.
Dame Guggligoy [in dismay.] … seeks you here. What! me, my lord?