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Cromwell [with an equivocal smile.
Well, do you hesitate? Be not surprised,
Young man, at all the favours we bestow.
The end 's not yet.—Come, sirrah, take the cup!
Surmount the awe which doth perchance deter you,
And drink.—
[He forces the thunderstruck Rochester to take the goblet.
And drink.— Knew you not how we cherish you?
May all your blessings fall on your own head!
Rochester [aside.]I am undone!
I am … [Aloud.] My lord,—but—
Cromwell. I am undone! My lord,—but—Drink, I say!
Rochester [aside.]Some prodigy hath come to pass of late!
[Aloud.]I swear to you—
Cromwell. I swear to you Drink; later you may swear.
Rochester [aside.]And what of our conspiracy? and all
Our crafty preparations?
Cromwell. Our crafty preparations? Drink, I say.
Rochester [aside.
Noll doth outdo us all in craft, 'tis plain.
Cromwell.Must I still urge you?
Rochester [aside.] …ill urge you? Let us drink the cup!
[He drinks.
Cromwell [with a sardonic laugh.
What think you of the draught?
Rochester [placing the goblet on the table.
What think you of the draught? God save the King!
[Aside.]At all events, I'm saved from Guggligoy.
Let Noll do what he will with me. What odds?
My spouse was waiting for me at the door.
I fall—thereby my shipwreck is less cruel—
From Scylla to Charybdis, from my wife