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[Together they carry Rochester to the bed which stands in a corner of the stage, and lay him upon it without waking him.—At that moment someone knocks on a low door opening into one of the corridors leading to the Painted Chamber.

Thurloe [with a perturbed air.
Someone is knocking.
Cromwell. Someone is knocking. I know who it is.
Open the door.
Thurloe [opening the door.] The rabbi!

Scene 17.—Cromwell, Thurloe, Manasseh Ben-Israel; Lord Rochester, asleep.

Cromwell [to Manasseh, who prostrates himself as he crosses the threshold.
What brings the Jew to me?
[Manasseh rises and goes to Cromwell with an air of mystery.
Manasseh [to Cromwell, in an undertone.
What brings the Jew to me? Money, my lord.
[He opens his gown and displays a large bag which he can hardly carry.
Cromwell [to Thurloe.
Go, thou.
[In an undertone.
Go, thou. But go not far.
[Thurloe bows and exit.
Manasseh [to Cromwell.] …go not far. The Swedish brig
Is taken, and I hasten instantly
To bring my lord his share.
Cromwell [examining the bag.] Bah! what a tale!
This is my share?
Manasseh [biting his lips.
This is my share? That is—'tis on account