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Ormond [to the Cavaliers.
Let us go forward.

[The Cavaliers form by twos and march toward Cromwell, who presents his musket.

Cromwell. Let us go forward. Who goes there?
Ormond. Let us go forward. Who goes there? Cologne.
Cromwell.Whitehall. Pass on.
Ormond [aside.] …hall. Pass on. 'Tis well!
Cromwell [watching the Cavaliers as they pass through the gate.
Whitehall. Pass on. 'Tis well! So far, so good.
Ormond [to Murray, in an undertone.
Murray, remain, and have an eye to him.
[To Cromwell.]Tell me, my brother, where we may find Cromwell.
Cromwell.In the apartment called the Painted Chamber.
Ormond [to Cromwell.]Our footsteps by the darkness are concealed;
But none the less keep careful watch, my friend.
Cromwell.Fear nought.
Ormond [joyously.] At last!—I near the longed-for goal;
And my last years are crowned with victory.
Cromwell is mine. Soon shall I hold him fast.
The chance for which I prayed to Heav'n has come:
Cromwell is fast asleep and in my power!
Him Heaven to my mercy doth give o'er.
Cromwell [looking after him, aside.
That which one asks of Heav'n, hell sometimes grants.

[Ormond rushes through the gate, through which all the other Cavaliers except Murray have already passed.