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Scene 7.—The Same, Lord Ormond, Lord Clifford, Lord Drogheda, Lord Rosebery, Sir Peter Downie, Sir William Murray, Sedley, Doctor Jenkins, Lord Rochester.

[As the Cavaliers enter, Cromwell resumes his station and Richard turns about in amazement.

Richard [unseen by the Cavaliers.
These gentry have a questionable look.
I'll stand apart.
[He withdraws to the left, among the clumps of verdure.
Murray [to Cromwell, with a triumphant air.
I'll stand apart. Your Cromwell hath a bed
Without brocades! A paltry candle-end
Was dying on his table. 'Twas so dark
One could not see one's self. He did not move,
Thanks to his lethargy, when we did seize him;
We gagged him quietly, and here he is.
Cromwell.Ah! this is he?
Richard [aside.] … is he? What means this?
Clifford. Ah! this is he? What means this? Victory!
We hold him fast.
Richard [aside.] …him fast. What says he?
Downie. We hold him fast. What says he? The worst task
Is done!—The night is dark. Let 's lose no time.

[To Drogheda, Rosebery, Clifford, and Sedley, who are carrying the sleeping prisoner, and who have halted.

Forward! Well?
Rosebery [to Downie.] 'Tis a simple thing to say
For one who has no burden on his back.
Sedley [to Downie.]As, to attain our purposed destination,