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Drogheda [to Jenkins, with a hurt expression.
Doctor, methinks you take us for a pack
Of pettifogging lawyers?
Downie. Of pettifogging lawyers? Do you aim
To sit as judge in the King's Bench, good sir?
Sedley [laughing.]When first did night-owl to the goshawk say:
[Imitating Jenkins's voice and gestures.
"Let us hold court forthwith and try the viper!"
Rosebery [laughing.]He's talking Latin!
Murray. He's talking Latin! Drat such senseless talk!
Clifford.My dagger is the court of last resort!
Now let us strike!
Cromwell [aside.] … strike! Now let us let them strike.
All the Cavaliers.Let us have done.

[Clifford strides with uplifted sword toward the prisoner, whose face is still covered.

Jenkins [gravely.] …ve done. I solemnly protest.
Richard.God! what a shocking scene! Is it a dream?
Clifford [pushing Jenkins away.
Protest at your sweet will!
Ormond [checking Clifford.]Stay, my Lord Clifford;
The doctor 's right; I heartily approve.
The King's explicit orders bid me bring
Our captive living; you must needs submit.
Clifford [to Ormond.]But in that case, if we would take him hence,
We shall be forced to fight a hundred battles.
Downie.And when he's over yonder, living still,
I prithee will the King bestow him then
In his menagerie, duly ticketed?
Drogheda. Oh! we'll present him with the beast all stuffed.