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[Exit Carr proudly amid the jeers of the populace.
Syndercomb [to Garland, in an undertone.
Amongst us all Carr is the one true man.
A Voice in the Crowd.
Hosannah! Glory! Glory to the Saints!
Glory to Christ the Lord! to Sinai's God!
Long life to the Protector!

[Syndercomb, driven to frenzy by Carr's objurgations and the acclamations of the people, draws his dagger and darts toward the platform.

Syndercomb [brandishing his dagger.
Long life to the Protector! Death to Sodom's king!
Carlisle [to the halberdiers.
Arrest the assassin!
Cromwell [waving the soldiers aside.
Arrest the assassin! Make way for this man.
[To Syndercomb.
What would you have?
Syndercomb. What would you have? Thy death.
Cromwell. What would you have? Thy death. Go hence in peace,
And free.
Syndercomb. And free. The avenger I, by God raised up.
If 'twere not that thy henchmen closed my month—
Cromwell [motioning to the soldiers to leave him at liberty.
Say on.
Syndercomb. Say on. Oh! 'tis not speech that moveth thee.
But stayed they not my arm—
Cromwell. But stayed they not my arm—Strike.
Syndercomb [stepping forward and raising his dagger.] But stayed they not my arm—Strike. Tyrant, die!
[The people rush upon him and disarm him.
A Voice in the Crowd.
How now! foul murder his reply to pardon?
Death to the murderer! the parricide!