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everlaſting improvement, and everlaſting delight. Here we contemplate the wonders, the unparalleled wonders, of a God made man; dying as a pattern of patience, as a martyr for truth, as an all-perfect ſacrifice for ſin. Here the LORD JEHOVAH hath fully granted what his ſervant Moſes ſo earneſtly requeſted; he hath made all his glory to paſs before the aſtoniſhed eyes of angels and of men. Here juſtice has ſet her moſt awful terrors in array, even while goodneſs appears, with inexpreſſive lovelineſs, and the moſt attractive beauty. Here truth, more unſhaken than a rock, takes her immoveable ſtand: and mercy, tenderer than the mother's tears, yearns with bowels of everlaſting pity. In a word, the croſs of Chriſt is a conſpicuous theatre, on which all the divine perfections unite, and harmonize, and ſhire forth with tranſcendent luſtre.

As chriſtians, we have, in the croſs of Chriſt, the richeſt proviſion for our own ſpiritual wants. This is a foundation of the ſublimeſt hope, and a fountain of the moſt exuberant joy: this affords matter of the deepeſt humility, and yields fuel for the moſt flaming love. Faith in our crucified Jeſus is an ever-active principle of the moſt chearful and exact obedience is an ample and inexhauſtible magazine, from we may fetch arms to counquer, abſolutely conquer the allurements of the world, the ſolicitations of the 18th, and the temptations of the devil.