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all-inſtructing prophet, the all-attoning prieſt, and the all-conquering king of the church. In the croſs of Chriſt Jeſus; who, by the diſcharge of all thoſe important offices, ſhould ſave his people from the dominion of ſin, and from the damnation of hell. In the croſs of Chriſt Jeſus our Lord; and not ours only, but Lord of all; who hath on his veſture, and on his thigh written, KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.

And is it poſlible for any human heart to contemplate the croſs of ſo divine a Being, and not to glory? is it poſſible to ſay, Angels, he rules over you; but he died, he died on a croſs for meː and not exult in ſuch tranſporting beneficence?———This will be more evident, if we examine,

III. What reaſon the apoſtle had to glory in the croſs of Chriſt. The croſs, though in itſelf an ignominious tree; yet, being the croſs of Chriſt, is infinitely ennobled. It becomes the tree of life; it bears the divine fruit; its cluſters are all ſpiritual and heavenly bleſſings. Two or three of thoſe cluſters you will permit me to ſelect; and may the God of all mercy make them better than a feaſt to every humble ſoul.

One bleſſing is the pardon of ſin; the pardon of all ſin, original and actual; Sin that is remembered, and ſin that is forgotten: Sin, however circumſtanced, or however aggravated, the pardon of all was purchaſed by the death of Chriſt;———completely purchased;