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“I told you!” cried Caradoc, getting his friend's expression. “It's there! We've both seen it! A ship, Madden!”

Then he turned with more strength than Madden thought was in him. “Sail ho, men!” he sang out. “A sail!”

“Come up, fellows, and take a look!” chimed in Madden just as eagerly. “We believe we see a sail!”

The crew dropped work at once, and came climbing the ladder up the deep side of the canyon like a string of monkeys; then they came running across the red decking.

“Where?” “Wot direction?” “Where ees eet?” came a chorus of inquiries.

The two were pointing and soon the whole crew was lined up staring into the brilliance. Their fresh eyes caught the glimpse immediately and held it long enough to make sure.

“A sail!” “There she is!” “Oi see her!” bellowed half a dozen voices.

The whole crew fell into tense, happy confusion, laughing, staring, yelling, speculating, slapping backs.

“Will she see us?” cried someone.