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bear my witneſs unto the national covenant of Scotland, England and Ireland; theſe ſacred, ſolemn, public oaths of God, I believe cannot be looſed, nor diſpenſed with, by any perſon, or party or power upon earth; but are ſtill binding upon the kingdoms, and will be forever hereafter; and are ratified and ſealed by the converſion of many thouſand ſouls, ſince our entering thereunto. I bear my witneſs to the proteſtation againſt the contraverted aſſemblies, and the public reſolutions, to the teſtimonies given againſt the ſectaries, againſt the courſe of backsliding and defection that is now on foot in the land, and all the branches and parts thereof, under whatſoever party, perſon. And in the laſt place, I bear my witneſs the croſs of Jeſus Christ, and that I never had cauſe, have cauſe this day to repent, becauſe of any thing I've ſuffered, or can now ſuffer for his name: I take God to record upon my ſoul, I would not exchange this ſcaffold with the palace or mitre of the greateſt prelate in Britain, Bleſſed be God, who ſhewed mercy to ſuch a wretch, and hath revealed his Son in me, and hath made me a miniſter of the everlaſting gospel, and that he hath deigned, in the midſt of ſuch contradiction, from Satan and the world, to ſeal my miniſtry upon the hearts of not a few of his people and eſpecially in the ſtation wherein I was laſt, I mean the congregation and preſbytery of Stirling; and I hope the Lord will viſit that congregation and preſbytery once more, with faithful paſtors. God forgive the poor empty man, that did there intrude upon my labours, and hath made a prey of many poor ſouls, and expoſed others to reproach and oppreſſion, and a femine of the word of the Lord. God forgive the miſleaders of that part of the poor people, who tempted to reject their own paſtor, and to admit of intruders; and the Father of mercies pity that poor miſled people; and the Lord viſit the congregation preſbytery of Stirling once more with faithful paſtors,