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  Both these sisters were godly women and
both earnest favourites of Jesus Christ;
and yet in the manner of their devotions,
there is such difference, that the worldly
affections in the one, may in some sort be
misliked in respect of the godly exercise
and practice of the other, Martha is sore
incumbered with much serving, when a
little service had been sufficient, but Mary
is attentive to hear the word of God, which
can never be heard sufficiently. Mary sit-
teth to hear the word, Mait. v. as Christ
used to sit, Luke iv. when he preached
the word; to declare unto us, that the
word is to be preached and heard with a
quiet mind. In a still night every voice is
heard, and when the body is quiet, the mind
most commonly is quiet also. But Martha
is troubled with other affairs, and therefore
unfit to hear the word, as is the ground
that is scorched with stones, and over-
grown with weeds and thorns, which is
indeed unfit to receive the seed, Matt. vi.
or to yield any fruit to him that tilleth it.
As often therefore as we come to hear the
word of God, we must not come with dis-
tracted minds, we must not trouble our-
selves with the cares of this life, which, as
our Saviour saith, are but thorns to choak