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King Robert of Sicily

"They drew their swords in reply, and asked leave to punish the impostor with death.

"Then, turning to the empress, he asked, 'Tell me, my lady, on the faith you have sworn, do you know this man who calls himself thy lord and emperor?'

"She answered, 'How can you ask such a question? Have I not known thee more than thirty years, and borne thee many children?'

"Hearing this the unfortunate monarch rushed, full of despair, from the court. 'Why was I born?' he exclaimed. 'My friends shun me; my wife and children will not acknowledge me. I will seek my confessor. He may remember me.' To him he went accordingly, and knocked at the window of his cell.

"'Who is there?' asked the priest.

"'The Emperor Jovinian,' was the reply; 'open the window that I may speak with thee.' The window was opened; but no sooner had the confessor looked out than he closed it again in great haste.

"'Depart,' said he, 'accursed creature! Thou art not the emperor, but the devil incarnate.'

"This completed the miseries of the persecuted man. 'Woe is me,' he cried, 'for what strange doom am I reserved?'

"At this crisis, the impious words which in the arrogance of his heart he had uttered, crossed his recollection. Immediately he beat again at the window of the confessor.