Page:Curious Myths of the Middle Ages (1866).pdf/236

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Some coincidences of dates are very remarkable. On the 25th August, 1569, the Calvinists massacred the Catholic nobles and priests of Béarn and Navarre.

On the same day of the same month, in 1572, the Calvinists were massacred in Paris and elsewhere.

On the 25th October, 1615, Louis XIII. married Anne of Austria, infanta of Spain; whereupon we may remark the following coincidences:—

The name Loys[1] de Bourbon contains 13 letters, so does the name Anne d’Autriche.

Louis was 13 years old when this marriage was decided on. Anne was the same age.

He was the thirteenth king of France bearing the name of Louis, and she was the thirteenth infanta of the name of Anne of Austria.

On the 23rd of April, 1616, died Shakspeare: on the same day of the same month, in the same year, died the great poet Cervantes.

On the 29th May, 1630, King Charles II. was born.

On the 29th May, 1660, he was restored.

  1. Up to Louis XIII. all the kings of this name spelled Louis as Loys.