Page:Curwood--The Courage of Captain Plum.djvu/340

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came his wife. His sheriffs watched them night and day. He named the hour of their doom—unless Marion yielded to him. And to save them, her supposed parents—to keep the terrible knowledge of their crime from Neil—Marion—was—going—to—sacrifice—herself—when—"

Again he stopped. His breath was coming more faintly.

"I understand," whispered Nathaniel. "I understand—"

Obadiah's dimming eyes gazed at him steadily.

"I thought my vengeance would come—in time—to save her, Nat. But—it failed. I knew of one other way and when all seemed lost—I took it. I killed the old people—the murderers of her father—of my Jean! I knew that would destroy Strang's power—"

In a sudden spasm of strength he lifted his head. His voice came in a hoarse, excited whisper.