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ivc. 2
Customs and Excise Management Act 1979
73. Power to make regulations as to carriage of goods coastwise, etc.
74. Offences in connection with carriage of goods coastwise.
Part VII
Customs and Excise Control: Supplementary Provisions
Special requirements as to movement of certain goods
75. Explosives.
76. Power to require pre-entry and clearance of goods.
Additional provisions as to information
77. Information in relation to goods imported or exported.
78. Customs and excise control of persons entering or leaving the United Kingdom.
79. Power to require evidence in support of information.
80. Power to require information or production of documents where origin of goods exported is evidenced under Community law or practice.
Prevention of smuggling
81. Power to regulate small craft.
82. Power to haul up revenue vessels, patrol coasts, etc.
83. Penalty for removing seals, etc.
84. Penalty for signalling to smugglers.
85. Penalty for interfering with revenue vessels, etc.
86. Special penalty where offender armed or disguised.
87. Penalty for offering goods for sale as smuggled goods.
Forfeiture of ships, etc. for certain offences
88. Forfeiture of ship, aircraft or vehicle constructed, etc. for concealing goods.
89. Forfeiture of ship jettisoning cargo, etc.
90. Forfeiture of ship or aircraft unable to account for missing cargo.
91. Ships failing to bring to.
Warehouses and Queen’s Warehouses and Related Provisions about Pipe-lines
92. Approval of warehouses.
93. Regulation of warehouses and warehoused goods.
94. Deficiency in warehoused goods.
95. Deficiency in goods occurring in course of removal from warehouse without payment of duty.