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Thus the very water may be the efficient caufe of the fermen- tation which afterwards gives the heat and virtues to it. All the acids, and all the fulphurs contained in the earth, are not equally fit for this purpofe ■> but fome of the former have evi- dently fo ftrong a power over fome of the latter, that they are fufficient caufes of heat in the mineral ingredients j and heat in any body concerned, is indeed the natural and ne- ceflary refult of thefe fermentations.

The fermentation that arifes between fpirit of nitre and butter of antimony, is not from the falts in this fublimate mixing with the acid in the diflblvent, becaufe the fame acids poured upon the fame falts while incorporated with mercury in the form of fublimate, is the caufe of no fermentation at all : nay, fublimate, in which the aforefaid falts which are in butter of antimony are lodged, will diflblve in an acid without the leaft ebullition, like a piece of ice in water. It is water always that fets the inbred particles of acid and

fulphur into their great inward commotions, and makes the fermentation the iironger, and confequently the heat by fo much the greater. Thus a little water put to oil of vitriol, fets the fermental principles of acid and fulphur connatural to that oil, into fo violent a fermentation and heat, that it is fcarce poifible even to endure the hand upon the glafs where it is mixed. Sympfon's Zymolog. Chym.

ZYMOSIS, a word ufed by fome to exprefs fermentation, and by others for a flatulent tumor of the liver, or other of the vifcera. See the arricle Zymglogy, fupra.

ZYTHOGALA, Becr-foffet, a drink recommended by Syden- ham, as good to be taken after a vomit, for allaying the acrimonious and difagreeable tafte it has occafioned, as well as to prevent gripes. Sydem Obferv. de Morb. acut.


The word is formed of Zt-G^, cercvifta, and yaha, lac. See

the article Zythum, Cycl.