Page:Cyclopaedia, Chambers - Volume 1.djvu/108

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ALGUAZIL, in the Spanijb Policy, a Serjeant or Offi cer, who arrefts People, and executes the Magistrate's Or- ders. See Serjeant, &c.

ALHANDAL, a Term in the Arabian Pharmacy. — The Troches of Alhandal, -Trocbifci Alhandalce, are a kind of Troches, compofed of Colocynthis, Bdellium, and Gum Tragacanth. See Troche.

They are efteemed good Purgatives, and are ufed on di- vers Occafions. See Purgative.

The Word is formed of the Arabic Handel, or Handhal, a Name for Colocynthis, See Colocynthis.

ALHIDADE, or Alidade, the Index or Label of an Aftronomical, or Geometrical Initrument, for taking of Heights or Diftances. — The Alhidade is a kind of Ruler, moveable on the Centre of the Inftrument; and carrying the Sights. See Index, Sights, $$c. See alfo Astrolabe, Theodolite, £5>c.

The Word is Arabic, where it fignifies the fame thing. — In Greek and Latin., it is called cfWJ^, T>ioptra, and Linea Fidticiee, Fiducial Line.

ALIEN, in Law, a Perfon born out of the King's Al- legiance, and confequently not capable of inheriting Lands in England, till naturalized by Act of Parliament. See Na- turalization.

Of thefe there are two Kinds, viz. Alien-Friends, who are of thofe Countries which are at peace and league with us 5 and 'Enemies, who are of Countries at war with us.

A Man born out of the Land, fo it be within the Limits of the King's Obedience beyond the Seas ; or of Englijb Parents out of the King's Obedience, fo the Parents at the Time of the Birth be of fuch Obedience, is no Alien, but a Subject of the King : Stat. z. 25 Ed-iv. III. commonly cal- led the Statute 2)e natis idtra marc.

Add, that if one born out of the King's Allegiance come and dwell in England 5 his Children begotten here are not Aliens, but Denizens. See Denizen.

Alien (Priories, were thofe Cells of Monks, formerly eftablifhed in England, which belonged to foreign Monaite- ries. See Priory, Abuy, Monastery, &c.

ALIENATION, Alienatio, in Law, the Act of ma- lting a thing another Man's $ or the altering, and transfer- ring the Property and PofTeffion of Lands, Tenements, or other Things, from one Man to another. See Transfer- ring, Possession, &c.

To alienate, or alien, in Mortmain, is to make over Lands or Tenements to a Religious Community, or other Body Politick. See Mortmain.

To alienate in Fee, is to fell the Fee-fimple of any Land, or other incorporeal Right. See Fee.

Crown-Lands are only alienable under a Faculty of per- petual Redemption. See Redemption.

The Council of Lateran, held in 112.3, forbids any Clerk to alienate his Benefice, Prebend, or the like. See Pre- bend, &c.

Alienation-0#zc<?, is an Omce to which all Writs of Covenants and Entry, upon which Fines are levied and Recoveries furTer'd,are carried 5 to have Fines for Alienation fet and paid thereon. See Covenant, Recovery, Fine, &c. ALIFORMES 'Proccjfus, in Anatomy, the Prominences of the Os Cimeifonne. See Cuneiforme.

Aliform es Mufcidi, a Pair of Mufcles, arifing from the

  • Pterygoide Bone, and ending in the Neck of the lower Jaw,

towards the internal Seat of the Head. SccPterygoides,^.

They are thus called from the Latin Ala, Wing, and

Forma, Shape 5 as rcfembling Wings.

ALIMENT, Alimentum, Food, in a phyfical Senfe, is whatever may be diffolved and turn'd into Chyle, by the Liquor of the Stomach, or the Natural Heat ; fo as to be afterwards converted into Blood, for augmenting the Body, or repairing the continual Expence of Parts. See Food, Chyle, Blood, Nutrition, £i?c.

The Word is Latin, form'd of the Verb Alere, to nouriJh. ALIMENTARY, Alimental, fomething that relates to Aliment, or Food. See Food.

The antient Phyficians hold that every Humour confifts of two Parts 5 an Alimentary, and an Excrementitious one. See Humour, and Excrement.

Alimentary 1)u£i, Z)ii£iiis Alimentalis, is a Name oiven, by Dr. i lyfon and fome others, to that Part of the Eody thro' which the Food partes, from its Reception into the Mouth, to its Exit at the Anus 5 including the Gula, Stomach, and Inteftines. Sec Ductus AUmentalis, Sto- mach, ES?c.

Alimentary 2)u£l is fometimes alfo underftood of the Thoracic Duct. See Thoracic linB,

Alimentarii Tlteri, &c. in Antiquity, were certain Children maintained and educated by the Munificence of the Emperors, in a fort of publick Places, not unlike our Hofpitals. See Hospital.

Trajan was the firft that brought up of thefe Alime?i- tary Soys. He was imitated by Adrian. Antoninus Tins did the fame for a Number of Maids, at the Solli- 4-

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citation of Fauftina : And hence, in fome Medals of that Empress, we read PUELLjE F A U STI NI AN M — Alexander Severus did the like, at the Requeft of Mam- m£a; and the Maids thus educated vtvteciXteiMammeaiuet

ALIMONST, Alimonia, in Law, antiently fienify'd Nouriflmicnt, or Maintenance; but in a more modern Senfe, denotes that Portion, or Allowance which a married Woman fues for, upon any occafional Separation from her Husband, wherein {he is not charged with Elopement or Adultery. See Wife, Dower, ££c

This was antiently called Rationabile Eftoverium, Rea- fonable Maintenance, and was recoverable in the Spiritual Court ; but now only in Chancery.

ALIQUANT Tart, is that which will not meafure or divide any Number exactly, but fome Remainder will full be left. — Or, an Aliquant Part, is that which being taken any Number of times, is always either greater or leffer than the Whole. See Part, Measure, t$c.

A fahle of Aliquant Parts of a Toiind, fee under the Article Multiplication.

Thus, 5 is an Aliquant Tart of 12 ; for being taken twice, it falls Ihort, and when taken three times it ex- ceeds 12.

ALIQUOT Tart, is fuch Part of any Number, or Quantity, as will exactly meafure it, without any Remain- der. — Or, it is a Part, which being taken a certain Num- ber of times, becomes equal to the Whole, or Integer. See Part, &c.

Thus, 5 is an Aliquot Tart of 12 ; becaufe being taken four times, it will juft meafure it.

The Word is form'd of the Latin Aliquoties, any number of times.

A Table of Aliquot Parts of a Totind, fee under the Article Multiplication.

ALKAHEST, or AlcahEst, inChymiflry, anuniverfal Menltruum or DifTolvent, wherewith fome Chymifts have pretended adequately to refolve all Bodies into their firft Matter. See Menstruum, Dissolvent, Matter, i$c.

Thofe two eminent Adepts, Tarccelfus and Helmont, exprcfly declare, that there is a certain Fluid in Nature, ca- pable of reducing all fublunary Bodies, as well homogene- ous as mixed, into their Ens frimum, or Original Matter whereof they are compos'd ; or into an uniform equable and potable Liquor, that will unite with Water and the Juices of our Bodies, yet retain its feminal Virtues ; and if mixed with it felf again, thereby be converted into pure elementary Water. — Whence they alfo imagin'd, it would at length reduce all Things into Water. See Water.

This Declaration, feconded by the Affeveration of Hel- mont, who religiouily fwears himfelf poffeffed of the Secret, has excited the fucceeding Chymifts and Alchymifls to the Purfuit of fo noble a Menftruum. Mr. Boyle was fo fond of it, that he frankly acknowledges he had rather have been Mafter thereof than of the Philofopher's Stone. See Alchvmt.

Indeed, 'tis not difficult to conceive, that all Bodies might originally arife from fome firft Matter, which was once in a fluid Form. — Thus, the primitive Matter of Gold is, perhaps, nothing more than a ponderous Fluid, which from its own Nature or a flrong Attraction between its

Parts, afterwards acquires a folid Form. See Gold.

And hence, there does not appear any Abfurdity in the Notion of an univerfal Ens, that refolves all Bodies into their Ens genitale.

The Alkabeft is a Subject that has been canvaffed by an infinite Number of Authors ; as, Tantaleon, Tbilaletbes, Tacbenius, Ludovicvs, &c- — Boerbaave fays, a Library- might be collected out of 'em. Weidenfelt, in his Treatife de Secretis Adeptortim, has given us all the Opinions that have been entertained about it.

The Term Alkabeft is not peculiarly found in any Lan- guage : Helmont declares he firft obferved it in Taracelftis, as a Word that was unknown before the Time of that Au- thor, who in his fecond Book, 2)e virions Membrorum t treating of the Liver, has thefe Wotds : Eft ctiam Alkaheft liquor, magnam hefatis conferomdi i£ confortandi, &c. " There is alfo the Liquor Alkabeft, of great efficacy in " preferving the Liver ; as alfo in curing hydropical and all " other Difeafes arifing from Diforders of that Part. If it " have once conquer'd its like, it becomes fuperior to all " other hepatick Medicines; and tho the Liver it felf " were broken and diflblved, this Medicine fhould fupply " its Place."

'Tisthis fingle Paflage of ' Taracelfus, that excited the fuc- ceeding Chymifts toanInquiryaftcrthe^/W»</?i there being but one other indirect E'xpreffinn about it in all his Works.

Now it being a frequent Practice with this Author to tranfpofe the Letters of his Words, and to make ufe of Ab- bfeviations, and other ways of Concealment 5 as in Tartar, which he would write Sutratar ; for Nitmm, Mntrin, &c. 'tis fuppofed Alkabeft may be a Word thus difauis'd.— R Hence