Page:Cyclopaedia, Chambers - Volume 1.djvu/130

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Belides the antient kind of Anagram, there have bee "ew ones invented ; as, the Mathematical Anagram invent- ed in i«8o ; by which the Abbot Catelan found that the eight Letters of the Name of Lewis XIV. made Vrai Heros, i. e. true Hero.

We are now likewife furnifh'd with the Numerical A- nagram ; where the numeral Letters (i. e. fuch as in the Roman cyphering flood for Numbers) taken together ac- cording to their numerical Values, exprefs fomc Epocha • Of which kind is that Diftkh of Godart on the Birth of fj, le late French King, in the Year 16-38, on a Day wherein


ANALYSIS, inLogici, a Method of applying the Rules

of Reafomng, to refolve a Difcourfe into S Principles S

or Fallhood, See Prim

order to a Discovery of its Truth,

CIPLE. , .

Or, Analyfis is an Examination of fome Difcourfe Pro™ fit.on, or other Matter, by fearching into its Principles and leparating and opening its Parts ; in order to confider them more dittinflly, and arrive at a more precife Knowledge of the Whole. See Discourse, Proposition, Reduction.

The Word is Greek, «WW;r, which literally Signifies Re, filution ; form'd of dli, and *t,», film, refilm, I loofen I refolve. '

fignifying ColleSic

there was a Conjunftion of the Eagle with the Lion's Heart : eXorleus peLfibla « ? VIL# CorblfuVe Leonls CongrejfV gaLUs J}e Irftltlaqfe refeClt.

ANALECTA, a Greek Term, form'd of ttpctKiyu, I gather.

ANALEMMA a <Plawfpbere ; or Projcdion of the Sphere on the Plane of the Meridian, orthographically made, by ftrait Lines and Ellipfes ; the Eye being fuppofed to be at an infinite Diflatice; and in the Eafl or Weft Points of the Horizon. See Planisphere, Protection, and Sphere. j

Aniiimma, is alfo ufed for an Aftrolabe ; or kind of Infirament, confifling of the Furniture of the fame Projec- tion, drawn on a Plate of Brafs or Wood ; with an Ho- rizon or Curfor fitted to it. See Astrol abe.

Its ufe is for finding the Time of the Sun's riling and fating, the Length of the Jongeft Day in any Latitude, and the Hour of the Day. 1.1 .

t^Analemwa is alfo of confiderable ufe among Dial'ifts allowed Ae Ant™ S 'V^m l™P™vements, muft be for hying down the Signs of the Zodiack, with tL Length "a! ^ InftrSmcnt ~ £~-°- ife",, 1 *"'** • bein S

Analyfis makes one great Branch or Species of Method - called alio Refolutwn. See Method, and Resolution

Analysis, in Mathematicks, a Method of folving or re- viving Marhematical Problems. See Problem.

There are two general Methods of finding Truth in Ma- thematicks ; Synthefis, and Analyfis.— Analyfis is the De- monstration, or Confidcrarion of the Confequences drawn from any_fropofition ; in which a Man proceeds, till he comes to lome known Truth, by means whereof, he may be

£l° ?* Ve . a ? o!ution ° { the Problem. See Resolution

The Method of Analyfis confills more in the Jud"ment and readmefs of Apprehenfion, than in any particular Rules where pure Geometry is made ufe of, as it was among the Antients ; but at prefent Algebra is principally ufed on this Occanon, wh>ch furmfhes certain Rules to perform or arrive at the End propofed. See Analytic.

This Method, under its prefent

v-ck, with the Length ot Days, and other Matters of Furniture, upon Dials. See and Furniture.


or means whereby fo manyfurprizing

en of late Years made, both in Mathe^

The Word is derived from the Greek itMua., of a'mhetu- (s&va, refumo.

ANALEPTICKS, in Medicine, Rejhritwei s or Reme- dies proper to reftore the Body, when wafted or emaciated, either by the Continuance of a Difeafe, or the Want of" Food. See Restorative.

The Word is Greek, 'AmmktJi I re-eflallifb, reflore.

ANALOGY, a certain Relation, Proportion, or A»ree- menr, which feveral Things, in other refpecls diffcrent.'bear to each other.— Such is that between the Bull in the Hea- vens, and the Animal fo called on Earth.

The Word is Greek, 'AraAoj/a ; which the Latins ufually render by Comparand, and 'Proportioualitas : And hence, among Geometricians, Analogy is ftequently ufed for a Si- militude of Ratio's ; called alfo 'Proportion. See Propor- tion.

Difcoveries have bei

maticks, and Philofophy. It furnilhes the' moll perfect In- ftances, and Examples of the Art of Reafuning ; gives the Mind a furprizing Readincfs at deducing and discovering rhings unknown, from a few Tata ; and by ufing Signs tor Ideas, prefents Things to the Imagination', which other- wife feem'd out of its Sphere. By this, Geometrical Demonstrations may be wonderfully abridg'd ; and along «^«., Series of Argumentations, wherein the Mind cannot with? out the utmoll Effort and Attention difcover the Connection ot Ideas are hereby converted into fenfible Signs, and the leveral Operations requir'd therein, effbaed by the Combi- nation of thole Signs. But what is yet more extraordinary, by means of this Art, a Number of Truths are frequent! ly exprefs d by a fingle Line, which in the common way of explaining and demonftrating Things, would fill whole Volumes : Thus, by mere Contemplation of one fingle Line, whole Sciences may fometimes be learnt in a few Minutes ne ; Which otherwife could fcarce be attain'd

Readings by Analogy may ferve to explain and illuflrate, Years' taM^^nl* ^ * *' T^ " T

but not to prove any thing ; yet is a great deal of our ohi Zm j'*, 1H j M , ATIC f s ' K - N0 . WI - EI)GE . Theorem,^'.

lofophizingLbette/founled^eesLiL^tlfpHii of tl^' a'^tna^ ^InfiS " "' ^ ™° *"

FHIZING. fvC. « ,- *. . _ J


In Matters of Language, we fay, New Words are form'd by Analogy, i. e. new Names are given to new Things conformably to the eftablifh'd Names of other Things of the'

like Nature and Kind. See Language, and Word. .

The Difficulties and Obfcurities in a Language, are chiefly to be clear'd up by Analogy. See Etymology.

The Schoolmen define Analogy to be a Refemblance, join'd with fome Diverfiry : Its Foundation, according to them, is laid in the Proportion of feveral Things, confider'd as that Proportion proceeds upon different Considerations. See Proportion.

Thus, a found Animal, a found Food, and a found Pro- position, agreeing in this, they have a common Deno- mination, but the Reafon or Quality whereon the Denomi- nation is founded, different ; are faid to have an Analogy, or to be analogous.

Accordingly, Analogous Things are defined to be fuch as have a common Name, but the Thing immediately Signi- fied by that common Name, different ; yet with fome Cor- respondence or Relation difcernible therein. See Gener il 'Term.

Philolbphers ufually diftinguifh three Kinds of Analogs, 'oiz.—oi Inequality, where the Reafon of the common De- nomination is the fame in Nature, but not in Degree or Order : In which Senfe, Animal is analogous to Man, and

Brute. Of Attribution ; where, tho the Reafon of the

common Name be the fame, there is a difference in its ha- bitude or refpeft thereto : In which Senfe, Healthy is analo- gous both to a Man, and an Exercife. Of Proportiona-

l "y i ™^-" e > tho the Reafons of the common Name do really differ, yet they bear fome proportion ro each other: In this Senfe, the Gills of Fillies are faid to be analogous to the Lungs , n terreflrial Animals: and thus, the Eye and the Understanding are faid to bear an Analevy to each orher. aJ

ANALOGISM Analogismus, in Logick, an Argu ment from the Caufe to the Effea. See Cause, tfc.

uantities, is what we otherwife call •ra. See Algebra, and

chiefly effeaed by means of

Analysis of finite Specious Arithmetick, Specious Arithmetics.

Analysis of Infinites, called alfo the New Analysis is particularly ufed for the Method of Fluxions, or Differen- tial Calculus. See Fluxions, and Calculus.— See alfo Infinite.

. Analysis, is alfo ufed in Chymiftry, for the decompound- ing of a mixt Body ; or the Reduflion thereof into its Prin- ciples. See Principle, Reduction, Decomposition, Body, &c.

To analyze Bodies, or refolve 'em into their component Parts, is the chief Objeft of the Art of Chymiftry. See Chymistry.

The Analyfis of Bodi Fire. See Fire.

All Bodies, by a Chymical Analyfis, refolve into Water, fcatth, Salt, Sulphur, and Mercury ; tho every Body does not afford all thefe Parts, but fome more, fome lefs, accord- ing to the Kingdom they belong to. See Element— See alfo Water, Earth, Salt, cS?c.

The Analyfis of Vegetables is eafy; that of Foffils, parti- cularly Metals and Semi-metals, difficult. See Vegetable. Fossil, Metal, (gc.

Some Bodies of the Foflil Tribe confift of Particles fo ve- ry minute, and fo firmly united, that the Corpufcles thereof need lefs heat to carry them off; than to feparate 'em into their Principles : So that the Analyfis is impracticable in fuch Bodies.— Hence the difficulty of analyfing Sulphur. See Sulphur.

The Anatomical DiSTeaion of an Animal, is a kind of Analyfis. See Anatomy, and Dissection.

Analysis is alfo ufed for a kind of Syllabus, or Table of the principal Heads, or Articles of a i-ondnued Difcourfe ■ difpofed in their natural Order, and Dependency. — Analy- fes arc more fcienrifical than Alphabetical Indexes • but are lefs ufed, as being more intricate.