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( 106* ) ANT

  • he diftance of 29 deg. 30. min. from the South Pole. See


It takes its Name from its being oppofite to another Circle, parallel likewife to the Equator, and at the fame diftancefrom the North Pole ; called the ArBic Circle. See Arctic Circle.

ANTECEDENT, in the Schools, fomething that pre- cedes, or goes before another, in refpeel: of time; from the Latin Prepofinon ante, before, zndcedens ofcedere, to go — In this Senfe the Word Hands oppofed to Subsequent.

An Antecedent 'Decree, is a Decree preceding fome o- ther Decree, or fome Action of the Creature, or the Previ- fion of that Aclion. See Decree.

'Tis a Point much controverted, whether Predomination be a Decree antecedent to Faith, or fubfequent thereto. See Predestination.

So, an Antecedent Will, or tDefirc, is that which precedes fome other Will or Defire, or fome Knowledge or Previfion — ■ Thus we fay, God by a fincete, but Antecedent Defire, wills all Men to be-faved; That is, this fincere Defire of God precedes, and' does not fuppofe, the Knowledge of their Faith and P.epemance.

By the way it mult be noted that the Term Antecedent is only applied to God inrefpect of theOrder of Nature, not of an Order of oucccflion; tor that God, by reafon of his infinite Perfections, fees and forefees both at the fame Time : after the fame manner he aJfo wills, and not fucceffively,

one thing after another Yet does not this hinder, but

that God may will one thing on occafion of another, or have fuch a defire on occafion of iuch a Previfion $ which Divines call the Order of Nature, in contradiftin6tidOn to that of Time.

Antecedent, Antecedent, in Logick, is the firfl: Proposi- tion of an Enthymeme, or of an Argument which only con- fifts of two Members. See Enthym£mk, Proposition, &c.

In Oppofition hereto, the latter is called the Confequent. See Consequent.

Thus in theSyllogifm cogito, ergo fum, I think, and there- fore exift ; ccgiio is the Antecedent j being thus called be- cause it precedes the ergo, or the copula of the Argument.

Antecedent, in Mathematicks, is the former of the two Terms of a Ratio} or that which is compared with the other. See Ratio and Term.

Thus, if the Ratio be of a to b ; <zisfaid to be At An- tecedent.

Antecedent Signs, are fuch Symptoms ofDiforderas appear before a Diftemper is fo formed, as to be reducible to any particular Clafs, or proper Denomination. See Sign and Symptom.

Antecedent in Grammar, the Word which a Relative refersto. See Relative.

ANTECEDENCE, Antecedency. See Antece- dent and Antecedentia.

ANTECEDENTS among Aftronomers When a

Planet appears to move Weftward, contrary to the Order or Courfe of the Signs ; as, from Taurus towards Aries : it is fkid to move, in Antecedentia. See Planet, Order, Sicn, i£c.

On the contrary, when it goes Eaftward or forwards, from juries towards 'jaunts ; it is faid to move//z Confcquentia. See Consequent! a, £jc.

ANTECESSOR, one that goes before, or leads another. See Precursor, Predecessor, £5c.

The Term is particularly ufed in fome Univerfities for a Profeffor, who teaches, or lect ures the Civil Law.

ANTECHAMBER, or Anti chamber, an outer Chamber, before the principal Chamber of an Apartment ; where the Servants wait, and Strangers ftay, till the Perfon to befpoken withal is at leifure, iSc. See Apartment.

The Word is formed of the Latin Ante Camera. See Chamber.

ANTECHRIST, or Antichr ist, Antichriflus, among Divines, ($6. a Tyrant who is to reign on Earth, toward the end of the World ; for the ultimate Proof of the Elecf. ; and to give a ihining Inftance of the Divine Vengeance, before the lafl Judgment.

The Word is compounded of the Greek avri t contra, z- gainft, and ^jlrsf, Chrift — In Scripture he is alio called Man of Sin, Son of 'perdition, &c. 'Tis added that he (hall fet up his Throne ^.'Babylon.

The Bible and the Fathers "all fpeak of Antichrifl as a fingle Man ; tho' they allure withal, that he is to have di- vers Precursors or Forerunners- -Yet many Proteftant

Writers apply to the Romiih Church, and the Pope who is at the Head of it, the feveral Marks and Signatures of An- tichrifl, enumerated in the Apocalypfe ; which would ra- ther imply Antichrifl to be a corrupt Society, or a long Se- ries of perfecuting Pontiffs, than a fingle Perfon.

However, the Point having been maturely debated at the Council of Gap, held in 1603, a Refolution was taken thereupon, to infert an Article in the ConfeiTion of Faith,

whereby the Pope is formally declared to be Antichrifl Pope Clement VIII, we read, was flung to the Life with thT decifion ; and even King Henry IV. of France was not ' little mortified, to be thus declared, as he term'd it an I~ a of Antichrifl. ' lm r

The learned Grotius maintains that Caligula was Ant' chrifl ; but neither does this quadrate with his Appear™ ' at the end of the World. re

Father -MtAvmufa, a Spanifh Jefuit, has publifhed a larw

and learned Work, de Antichrifto, in XIII Books- \

the firft he relates all the Opinions of the Fathers with re° gard to Antichrifl. In the fecond he fpeaks of the Time when he ftiall appear ; and (Views that all the Fathers who fuppofed Antichrifl to be near at hand, judged the World was near its Period. In the third he difcourfes of his Origin and Nation ; and fhews that he is to be a Jew, of the Tribe of 2)an .■ This he founds on the Authority of the Fathers • on the Paflage in Genefis XLIX. T>an is a Serpent in the H r ay,Sic. On that of Jeremy, VIII. i<f. where it is f a jj the Armies of 'Dan Jhall devour the Earth ; and on the Apocalypfe, cap. Vll. where Sr. John enumerating all the Tribes oi Jfrael, makes no mention of that of T)an. In the fourth and fifth Books, he treats of the Signs of Antichrifl In the fixth of his Reign and Wars. In rheievenrhof his Vi! ces. In the eighth of his Doctrine and Miracles In the ninth of his Perfections: And in the reft, of the coming of Enoch and Elias, the Converfion of the Jews, the Reign of Jefus Chrifl, and the Death of Antichrifl, after having reigned three Years and a half. ANTECURSOR. See Precursor. ANTEDif.UViUN. See Antidiluvian. ANTEJURAMENTUM, and Prsjuramentum, by our AnceAcrs alfo called Juramentum Calumni£ ; an Oath which bo;h ihe Accufer and Accufed were obliged to make before any Trial or Purgation. See Oath and Pur- gation The Accufer was to fwear that he would

profecute the Criminal; and the Accufed was to make Oath on the very Day that he was to undergo the Ordeal S?c. that he was innocent of the Fa£t of which he was charged. See Ordeal.

If the Accufer failed, the Criminal was difcharged • if the Accufed, he was intended to be guilty, and was not to be admitted to purge himfelf by the Ordeal. See Com- bat, Duel, &c.

ANTEPAGMENTA, or Antipagmenta, in the antient Architecture, the Jaumbs of a Door, or Lintels of a Window. See Door and Window.

The Word is alio ufed for the entire Chambrank i. e. the Door-Cafe, or Window-Frame. See Chambranle

ANTEPENULTIMA, or Antepenultimate, in Grammar, the third Syllable of a Word, reckoning from the latter End; or thelaft Syllable but two. See Word and Syllable.

'Twas upon this Syllable, that the Greeks placed their a-

cute Accents. See Accent The Antepenultimate

of a Dactyl is long. See Dactyl.

The Word is compounded of the Prepofition Ante, before) and 'Penultimate, lall but one. See Penultim \te

ANTEPREDICAMENTS, Anteprjedicamentj, in Logick, certain previous Matters, requifite to a more ealy and clear apprehenfion of rhe Doctrine of Predicaments or Categories. See Fa edicament.

Such are Definitions of Common Terms ; as Equivocals, Univocals, (Sc. with Divifions of Things, their Differences, i$c. See Definition, Division, &c.

They are thus called becaufe treated by Ariflotle before the 'Predicaments ; that the Thread of the Difcourfe might not afterwards be interrupted.

ANTERIOR, or Anteriour, fomething before ano- ther, chiefly in refpect of Place In this Senie the Term

ftands oppofed to Poflerior. See Posterior.

The Word is Latin ; formed of the Prepofition, Jute, before.

ANTESTATURE, in Fortification, a fmall Retrench- ment, made of Pallifadoes, or Sacks of Earth, fet up in hafte, to difpute with the Enemy the Remainder of a Piece of Ground, part whereof hath been already gain'd. See Retrenchment.

ANTHELIX, in Anatomy, the inner Circuit of the Au- ricle ; thus calfd from its opposition to the outer Circuit) call'd the Helix. See Auricle and Helix.

ANTHELM1NT1CKS, Medicines good to deftroy Worms. See Worm and Vermifugous.

The Word is compounded of am, contra, againfl, and thpm, fermis, Worm.

ANTHEM, Antiphona, a Church-Song, performed in Cathedral, and other Service, by the Chorifters, divided for that purpofe into two Chorus's, who fing alternately- See Song, Choir, Chorister, &c.

The Word was originally ufed both for Pfalms, ana Hymns, when thus performed. See Psalm and Hymn.
