Page:Cyclopaedia, Chambers - Volume 1.djvu/163

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copular Conjunction between them. See Substantive, Conjunction, Copulative, ££>c.

Thus, Flanders, bloody Theatre, horrible Scene of War,

APPRAISE, to rate, value, or fet a Price on Goods, by a Perfon who is a competent Judge, and is authorized thereto.

The Word is derived from the French apprecier, which

fignifies the fame thing Hence we. alfo fay an Apprai-

fer, a fworn Appraifcr, an Appraifement, &c.

A P PRENDRE, in our antient Law-Books, a Fee or Profit ro be taken or receiv'd. See Fee.

APPREHENSION, in Logick, thefirftldea which the Mind forms of any thing, abstractly of its particular Qua- lities- See Idea.

Aj>prehenf\on coincides with what we otherwife call 'Per- ception. See Perception.

The Word literally denotes the Action of the Hand, where- by it takes hold of, and grafps any thing $ being form'd of the Latin ad, to, and prehendo, 1 hold. See Compre- hension.

Apprehension, in Law, Signifies the feiz,ing a Criminal, in order to bring him to Juftice.

APPRENTICE, one who is bound by Covenant to ferve a Tradefman, or Artificer a certain Time ; ufually feven Years ; upon Condition of the Maibjr's instructing him in his Art or Myftery. See Trade, Commerce, Art, ££c. Sir Thomas Smithes, thar Apprentices are a kind of Bondmen, or Slaves, differing only in this that they are Servants by Covenant, and for a time. deRep. Anglor. Lib. 3. See Servant, Slave, ^3c

Antiently, Benchers in the Inns of Court were called Apprentices of the L.aiv, in Latin Apprenticii Juris No- biliores ; as appears by Mr, Seidell's Notes on Fortefcu : and fo the learned Plo-ivden itiles himfelf.

Sic Henry Finch in his Komotechnia writes himfelf Ap- prentice de Ley : Sir Edward Coke in his Inftit. fays, Ap- prcntiai Lcgis in pleading are called Homilies confiliarii, & in Legeperiti h and in another place, A pprentices and other Counfellors of Law.

APPROACHES, in Fortification, the feveral Works made by the Befiegers for advancing or getting nearer to a For- trefs, or Place befieged. See Work, Fortification.

Such are Frenches, Mines, Sapps, Lodgments, Batteries, \^c. See Trench, Mine, Sapp, Battery, c^c

Approaches, or Lines o/ApppvOach, are particularly ufed for Trenches dug in the Ground, and their Earth thrown up on the Side towards the Place befieged ; under Shelter or Defence whereof the Befiegers may approach, without Lofs, to the Parapet of the cover'd Way 5 and plant Guns, £5?c. wherewith to canonnade the Place. See Trench.

The Lines of Approach are to be connected by Lines of Communication. See Communication.

The Befieged frequently make Counter- Approaches, to interrupt and defeat the Enemies Approaches.

APPROPRIATE, Appropriated, in Philofophy, is iindcritood of fomething which is indeed common to feve- ral ■ yet, in fome refpects, is peculiarly attributed to one. See Proper and Common.

Thus, Creation is common to the Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft ; and yet is appropriated to the Father.

Appropriate, in Law, is undeitrood of a Church or Benefice, the Patronage whereof is annex'd to fome Church- £)ignity; fo that the Parfon receives the Tithes. See Church, Benefice, Patron ace, Parson, and Tithe. There are computed in England 5S45 Churches Appro- priate and Impropriate. See Appropriation, Impro- priation, &c> i

Appropriare ad Honor -em \ in Law, fignifics to bring a Manor within the Extent and Liberty of fuch an Honour. See Honour, Manor, £5c.

Appropriare Commune, in .Law, fignifies to difcom- mon, i- e. to feparate, and inclofe any Parcel of Land, which before was open Common. See Common.

APPROPRIATION, the Aft of Appropriating, orap- plying a Church-Benefice, which of its own Nature is juris divinu and no Perfon's Patrimony, to the proper and perpe- tual Ufe of fome Religious Community. See Appro-

Appropriatien y is where the Advowfon of aParfonage is given or belongs to any Bifhoprick, religious Houfe, College, tic and to their Succeffors 5 fo that the Houfe or Body, is both Patron and Parfon, and fome one of the Mem- bers officiates as Vicar. See Parson, Advowson, ££?c. ^

It is called Appropriation, becaufe the Profits of the Li- ving are appropriated to the ufe of the Patrons ; fo that Parfons, tho' they are not ordinarily accounted 'Domini Ufit- fruHuarii, having no rightof Fee-fimple ; yet, by rcafon of the Perpetuity of. their Succcuion, are reputed Owners of the Fee-fimple, and are therefore called 'ProprietariU $ec Patrol and Patronage-

To make an Appropriation^ after Licence obtained of the King in Chancery, the Confent of the Diocefan, Pa- tron, and Incumbent, is neceffary, if the Church be full ; if it be void, the Diocefan and the Patron, upon the King's Licence, may conclude it, ...

To dijfolve an Appropriation, it is" enough to prefent a Clerk to the Bifhop, and he to inftitute and induct him % for that once done, the Benefice returns to its former Na- ture.

APPROVEMENTUM, Approveamentum, or Ap- provement, isfometimes ufed in antient Writers for Im- provement. See Improvement.

Thus, to Approve, Approbarc, is to make the beft be- nefit of a thing by increafing the Rent, &c.

In fome antient Statutes, Bailiffs of Lords in their Fran- chifesarecall'd their Approvers. See Bailiff.

Cam omnibus Approviamentis £j aliis pert'mentih fut$ t &c. Mon. Angl.

Approvement, is more particularly ufed where a Man hath common in the Lord's Wattes, and the Lord inclofeth part of his Wa lie for himfelf; leaving furficient Common s with Egrefs and Regrefs, for the Commoner.

APPROVER, one who confeffing Felony in himfelf, ap- pealeth or impcacheth another or more of his Accomplices,, See Appeal.

He is fo call'd becaufe he rauft prove what he hath al- ledg'd in his Appeal — —This Proof Ihould either be by

Battel, or by the Country,

See Proof, Battel, Pais,

Approvers ofthcKi


the choice of the Appellee.

ire thofe who have the letting of the King's Demefnes in fmall Manors, &c. See De- mesne.

APPROXIMATION, in Arithmetkk, a continual ap- proach nearer flill and nearer to a Root or Quantity fought, without a poffibility of ever arriving at it exactly. See Root.

We have divers methods of Approximation delivered by Wallis, Raphfon, Hailey, Howard, &c. all of 'em being no other than Series's infinitely converging, or approaching {till nearer to the Quantity requir'd, according to the Na- ture of the Series. See Converging and Series.

'Tis evident, that if a number propos'd be not a true Square, it is in vain to hope for a juft quadratick Root thereof, explicable by rational Numbers, integers or frac- ted ; whence, in fuch Cafes, we mnft content ourfelves with Approximations, fomewhat near the Truth, without pretending to Accuracy : and fo for the Cubick Root, of what is not a perfect Cube ; and the like for fuperior Pow- ers. See Square, Cube, Power,Q_uAdrature, Ex- traction, £Jjc.

This the Antients were aware of, and accordingly had their Methods of Approx'rmation ; which, tho' fcarce ap- plied by them beyond the quadratick or perhaps the cu- bick Root, are yet equally practicable, by due Adjustments, to the fuperior Powers alfo: as is fhewn in the Philofoph. Iranfatl. N Q 215.

If there be a Non-quadratick or Non-cubick Number 5 the former being expreffed by aa-\~b, and the latter by aaa-\-b, where aa and aaa are the greateft Square and Cube in the propofed Numbers 3 then ^ aa ~\-b = a +

2 aa -J- 4 b

5 and ^>_^ = ^-f.

%aaa + b

= * a-\->

\/'i ',.' 4L-— will be eafy and expeditious Approximation

to the Square and Cube Root.

To extratl the Root of an Equation by Approximation.

i°. For a quadradic Equation fuppofe the Equation

x* — 5* — -31 = — 5 let the Root be 8 -f- y, fo that y may denote the Fraction, whereby the affumed Number either exceeds or comes fliort of the Root : Then

x' = 64. -f- i6y-\-y*

— 5#— — 40— 5 3

— si =—31

— 7 -f- n.y + jy 1 =0

Since the Powers of Fractions are continually decreafing s

and we only here want a Root nearly true ; y~ is cafl: away i Upon which,

— 7 4- * * 3 = °

y = jI = y# nearly =: o . 6

Wherefore x = 8 -- . 6 = 8 . 6 Suppofe #=|-r. Then

. 3 i + V^-J =

WcR' 1 .