Page:Cyclopaedia, Chambers - Volume 1.djvu/166

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Names and Situations of the Stars. Sign Longitude. Latitude Magn.
Upper of North in the hind Leg. ♓︎ 4 16 52 5 38 42 S 6
South and Subseq. in the pouring out of the Water. 7 14 41 0 23 00 4
5 54 23 4 11 08 6
South in the hind Leg. Scheat. 4 33 49 8 11 17 3
4 25 11 8 36 04 6
70. 7 50 34 0 12 44 6
Last in the Water. ♒︎ 29 28 59 21 04 54 1
First of the Contig. in the Flexure of the Water. ♓︎ 10 04 10 1 40 14 6
Second. 10 04 59 1 44 15 7
3d, and South of the Contig. 10 08 41 1 57 45 6
Preced. in the laft Flexure. 3 59 44 16 34 34 5
North. 5 40 53 14 29 07 4
Subseq. and South of three 5 14 53 14 29 07 4
In the 2d Flexure of the Water 12 48 57 1 01 25 5
North of three Contig. in the Water. 11 57 28 3 58 03 5
First behind the 2d Flexure. 12 43 56 2 49 51 6
Middle of three. 12 24 17 4 15 45 5
Single one more South than those, 10 57 45 8 18 02 5
South of the Contig. 12 28 16 4 45 39 5
11 08 02 10 07 57 6
North of the three following the last Flexure. 9 08 43 14 46 26 5
Middle of the three following the last Flexure. 9 35 12 15 34 16 5
10 30 55 16 45 48 6
South of those three. 11 04 19 16 30 21 5
Over the last Flexure but one. 15 20 12 11 02 03 5
14 09 42 14 40 56 6
Preced. That. 14 17 06 14 31 10 5
Follow. It. 15 52 17 11 36 22 5
Middle, in the fame Flexure. 14 38 18 15 10 26 5
Contiguous to that. 14 51 24 15 43 02 6
Subseq. in the last Flexure but one. 15 58 18 16 26 59 5
Middle of Informes behind the last Flexure. 19 26 16 16 14 06 5
North of Informes behind the last Flexure. 21 57 12 15 16 03 5
South of Informes behind the last Flexure. 21 57 12 15 16 03 5
♓︎ 21 12 12 18 45 54 S 5

AQUATIC, something which lives, breeds, or grows in, or about the Water. See Water.

We have Aquatic Plants, Aquatic Animals, &c. See Plant, Animal, &c.

Trees which grow on the Banks of Rivers, or in Marshes, &c. are also call'd Aquatics.

AQUEOUS, {sc|Aquosus}}, something that partakes of the Nature of Water, or abounds therein. See Water.

Thus Milk is said to consist of an Aqueous or serous, and a butyrous Part. See Milk.

The Chymists separate the Aqueous Part or Phlegm from all Bodies by Distillation. See Phlegm.

Aqueous Humor, is the first outermost of the three Humours of the Eye. See Humour and Eye.

It lies immediately under the Cornea, which it causes to protuberate a little; and is supposed to be furnished by certain Ducts provided for the purpose. See Cornea.

Anatomists are divided about the Origin and Conveyance of this Humour.—————'Tis certain, the Source must be pretty plentiful, inasmuch as, if by any Accident the Coats it is contain'd in be wounded, so that the Humour runs out, and the Cornea falls or collapses; the Wound readily heals, by only closing of the Eye, and the Humour recruits: of which we have numerous lnstances among Physicians.

Dr. Nuck thinks he has discover'd the Ducts whereby the Humour is furnish'd. See Aqueous Ducts.

Others denying the reality of those Duels, suppose it immediately derived from the Arteries. Dr. Drake admits the Ducts, and takes 'em to be only Branches of the excretory Ducts of the Glandula Innominata, and Lachrymalis; which piercing the Tunicks of the Eye, deliver their Liquor by ways hitherto unknown.

Aqueous Ducts, or Ducts Aquosi Nuckii, are certain Ducts, discover'd by Dr. Nuck, whereby the Aqueous Humour is supposed to be convey'd into the inside of the Membranes which inclose that Liquor. But the Discovery is not universally allow'd. See Aqueous Humour.

AQUILA, in natural History, &c. See Eagle.

Aquila, in Astronomy, a Constellation of the northern Hemisphere; usually join'd with Antinous. See Constellation.

The Stars in the Constellation Aquila and Antinous, in Ptolomy's Catalogue, are 15; in Tycho's, 17; in the Britannic Catalogue, 70 : The Longitudes, Latitudes, Magnitudes, &c. whereof, are as follow.

Stars in the Constellation Aquila cum Antinoo

Names and Situations of the Stars. Signs Longitude. Latitude
° °
Proceed of three Inform, towards Sagittary. ♑︎ 4 40 57 14 59 07 4
South. of three Inform, towards Sagittary. 6 26 14 14 02 30 5
Subseq. of three Inform, towards Sagittary. 6 48 32 14 46 57 5
8 03 00 25 03 26 5
8 14 05 22 00 29 6
Preced. of three Inform, before Antinous's Foot. 8 04 40 18 13 27 4
North of two Inform, over the Eagle's Tail. 10 26 31 43 27 53 4
South of two Inform, over the Eagle's Tail. 10 31 39 41 02 20 4
9 14 07 19 37 16 6
9 17 24 19 33 22 6
Mid. of 3 before Antinous's Foot. 10 30 35 16 54 11 5,4
13 30 29 35 23 51 6
13 33 55 35 11 45 6,5
Subseq. of the same. 11 44 42 16 53 53 4
Preced. in the Eagle's Tail. 13 56 58 37 36 43 3,4
Preced. in Antinous's Heel. 12 17 25 18 52 40 6
Subseq. 12 46 59 18 29 26 6
Bright one in Antinous's Foot. 13 02 15 17 37 36 3
Subseq. in the Eagle's Tail. 15 28 34 35 13 48 3
15 27 48 35 24 32 6
15 14 46 28 23 48 6
14 16 37 14 21 17 5,6
15 58 34 24 28 45 5
17 08 30 26 54 11 6
17 05 48 23 05 48 7
17 03 34 22 21 55 7
Preced. of 3 in the Root of the Tail. 18 42 18 33 31 53 6
In Antinous's Thigh. 16 36 51 16 36 09 6
South in Antinous's leading Side. 17 20 05 21 04 44 6
Mid. & North in the Root of the Tail. 19 25 33 34 13 27 6
North in the preced. Wing. 19 17 21 24 50 54 3,4
Last of 3 in the Root of the Tail. 20 45 44 33 32 22 6
North in Antinous's leading Side. 19 06 40 22 04 17 5
South in the preced Wing. 20 03 35 23 34 00 6
In Antinous's Belly. 19 39 55 18 49 10 6
That below Antinous's Knee. 19 29 24 10 58 21 6
North in the preced. Shoulder. 22 27 58 28 42 30 4
Against Antinous's hind Knee. 20 31 47 14 13 03 3,4
21 10 48 18 25 21 6
In the hind Side of Antinous. 21 30 47 20 02 59 3,4
21 09 46 l6 42 00 6
South in the preced. Shoulder. 23 28 56 26 30 44 5
22 41 20 20 31 04 6
25 52 03 33 02 08 6
South in the beginning of the hind Wing. 25 52 20 32 39 24 6
North. 26 48 33 34 00 06 6
That immediately prec. the Lucida. 25 44 15 28 22 04 6
Preced. of two in the hind Shoulder. 26 37 08 31 l6 52 3
23 18 26 10 05 20 5
Subseq. of the same. 27 36 29 32 19 49 6
Between the Shoulders ; call'd Lucida Aquilae. 27 23 24 29 19 11 1,2
That over the Lucida. 27 53 01 30 51 20 6,5
In Antinous's hind Shoulder. 26 06 54 21 33 23 3,4
24 33 02 12 05 11 5
24 44 54 12 24 10 6
26 32 00 20 43 43 6
Subseq. below the Lucida. 28 17 56 28 45 12 5
In the Eagle's Neck. 28 06 44 26 44 20 3
In the Verge of the Wing behind the Shoulder. 29 36 57 31 32 17 6
28 50 17 19 16 01 7
In the middle of the Head. ♒︎︎ 0 42 27 27 03 15 6
♑︎︎ 29 45 35 19 05 30 7
In Antinous hind Hand. ♒︎︎ 0 35 30 18 45 35 3
1 02 33 18 28 07 5,6
Last of the hind Wing. 5 47 33 34 06 12 5
4 17 48 15 16 50 7
4 43 44 15 39 39 5
6 35 14 15 31 49 5
7 24 03 l5 48 55 4
♒︎︎ 8 06 58 18 16 36 6