Page:Cyclopaedia, Chambers - Volume 1.djvu/17

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The P R E F A C R


■ I MIGHT hero have ended my Prefect and perhaps the Reader wodd be willing enotigh to be thus diimiiVd. Bat ibmething has been already flatted which will require a further DOpBaon^Cht Dtfnbution we have made of Knowledge is founded on- this, That the fever. Branches thereof commence euhei Art ox Science according to the Agency or Non-agency of the human Mind m refpeft thereof : I remains to take the Matter up a little higher ; and explain the Reafon and Manner of this Operation, To confide* Knowledge m its Prmq-

lege, Society, Chapter, School, Hofpital, Inn. Public Edifices , Guild- hall, Prilon, Tower, Arfenal, Library, Mufmm, Circus Sec. Solemn Ceremonies, as Triumph, Tournament, Canoufel, ®uadril. Donative, Medal, Trophy, Monument, Funeral, Tomb, Catacomb, BCC.

x * LAW or the Rules and Meafures of S o c i et y; publifh'd in Act, Statute, Charter, Refcript, Conjhtution, Decretal, Senatus-con- fultum, Pragmatic Sanction, Sec. Recorded, in infiitute,Code, Navel, Regifter, Pande£t, Corpus, Dvmefday, &c. Kinds, Civil, Canon, Sump- tuary,^. Reflecting, i°, Perfons, as the King; his Prerogative, Roy- alties Sec viz granting Difonfation, Pardon, Commendam, Exemption. Dignities' FrancUs. Foreft, Park, Purlieu, Vert, Chafe. Impofl, Subftdy, TolL Tax, Aid, Hidage, Scutage, Pnjagc. Waif, Efiray, Efcheat, Trea- fureTrove Sec. Officers and Magiftrates, erected by Writ, Warrant, Commffion, Sec. Their Oath, Tefi, Declaration. Vifttamn, Procura- tion, Sec. Corporations, Regular, Secular, Sec. made by Charter, Patent, Sec. diflblved by Quo Warranto, Mandamus, &c. Sub/efts, as Denizen, Naturalization. Husband, Wife, Marriage, Concubine, Separation, Alimony, Bower, Affinity, Baflard. Adoption, Emancipa- tion. Lord, Tenant, Villain, Vajfal. Client, Patron. Servant, Slave, Retainer. Manumiffion, Enfranchifing, Sec. Tenure, Service, Homage, Fealty, Serjeanty, Efcuage,Relief, Guardian, Wardfirip, Socage. Heir, Inte-

Jlaie, Ar.ccftor, Sec. i°,Eftates or Things ; either Real, us Tenement s r

Hereditaments. Freehold, Fee, Cuflomary, Tail, Gavelkind, Courtefy, Sec. In Revtrfion, Mortgage, Hypotheca, Sec. Manor, Demefn, Honours, Common, Glebe, Advowfon, Sec. Acquired by Occupancy, Prefcription, Defcent, Deed, Feoffment, Fine, Recovery. Defeizance, Leafe, Devife, Attornment, Invefliture, Livery, Sec. Loft by Alienation, Mortmain, Diffieiftn, Abatement. Surrender, Difccntinttance, Difclahner, Forfeiture, Refignation, Deprivation, Lapfe,Sec. Or Perfonal, as Goods, Chattels, Emblements, Annuity, Debts, Specialty, Recognizarice, Sec. Acquired by Succefiion, Heriot, Mortuary, Heir Loom. Teflament, Executor, Ad-

miniflrator, Ordinary. Judgment, Fieri facias, Sec. 3°, Wrongs

or Injuries ; either Criminal, and'to Perfons, as Treafon, Parricide, Murder, Felony, Affault, Rape, Affaffin. Adultery, Fornication, De- floration, Polygamy, Herefy, See. Profecuted by Indictment, Accufa- tion, Actions of Confpiracy, and upon the Cafe, Habeas Corpus, Sec. Punim'd, with Hanging, Crucifixion, Wheel, Furca, Scala, Pillory, Tranfportation, Divorce, Scaphifm, Sec. Or Civil, and to Things; as Trefpafs, Nuifance, Deforcement, Sec. Remedied by Writs of fuare Impedit, Darrein Preferment, Appeal, Atteint, Error, Right, Difceit, Stt- ferfedeas, Audita Querela, Sec. Suit, or Courfc of Proceedings whereby Redrefs is procured; including, i°, Vrocefs, either by Bill, Summons, Subpcrna, Attachment, Capias, Exigent, Sec. to which belong Appear- ance, Attorney, Bail, Effoign, Default, Nonfuit, Arraignment, Sec. i°, Pleading ; whence Count, Declaration, Aid Prater, Voucher, Age Prier, Bar, Abate, Releafe, Replication, Outlawry, Sequeflration, Sec. 3 , Ufiie; whence Demurrer. 4°, Trial; whence Proof, Evidence, Pre- emption, Oath, Affidavit, Affirmation. Jury, Challenge, Array, Ver- dict. Battel, Duel, Champion, Purgation, Ordeal, Sec. Paine fort z? duret, Rack, Torture, Sec. $°, Judgments whence Artefi, &c. 6°, Execution} whence Scire facias, Reprieve, Sec.

■ 6 THEOLOGY, or the Confederation of God: his Nature and Attributes, as Eternity, Ubiquity, Sec. His Unity, Trinity, Sec. Perfons, Hypoftafis. Sec. Our Duty to him, difcover'd by Infpiration, Revelation, Prophecy, Sec. by the Mefiah, Evangelifis, Apofiles, Sec. In the Bible, Pentateuch, Hagiographa, Pfalter, Gofpel, Apocalypfe, Sec. Canon, Deuterocanonical, Apocrypha, Sec. Circumftances thereof, Style, Allegory, Type, Parable, Myjlical, Sec. Text, Verfim, Sep- tuagint, Vulgate, Sec. Paraphrase, Targum, Sec. Points, Quotations, Sect Matter thereof; Declarations, of Incarnation, Paffion, Cruci- fixion, Miracle, Sec, Inunctions, as Worflnp, Prayer, Sacrifice, Sec. Sa- craments, as Eucharifi, Baptifm, Sec. Promifes, as Grace, Jufii- fication, Sec. Decrees, as Predcft'mation, EleCHon, Reprobation, Sec. Breaches on our Part, Sin, Apoflacy, Imputation, Sec. Remedies thereof, by Repentance, Confeffion, Sec. Rewards and Punifhments allotted thereto, Heaven, Hell, Refurrection, Immortality , Sec. His Minifters, Angels, Devil, Sec. His Church, either Triumphant, as Saints, Martyrs, Confeffors, Fathers, DoClors, Sec. or Militant, Sec. Its Office's, Creed, Liturgy, Decalogue, Doxology, Trifagion,Sec. Difcipline, Rites, ©v. as Abfolution, Anathema, Excommunication, Sec. Catechu- men,' Confirmation, Genuflexion, Sec. Its Priefthood, as Biflwp, Priefi, Deacon, Sec. Patriarch, Archb'tfhop, Primate, Dean, Canon, Prebend, Archdeacon, Chantor, Sec. Their Enfigns, Mitre, Crazier, Pallium, Sec. Their Ordination, Con fecration, Collation, Impofition, Sec. Benefice's, Revenues, Tithes, Sec. Places fet apart, as Church, Chapel, O- ratory, Sec. Cathedral, Parochial, Cardinal, Sec. Choir, Nave, Altar, Font &c. Dhcefe y Province, Sec. AfTemblies, as Sy?iod, Council, Convocation, Conjiftory, Chapter, Presbytery, Sec. Feafis, Fafls Lent, VmU &c. Eajler, Ephhany, Penteccfl, Annunciation, Purification,

Pre Cent rtion, Sec. Particular Syftcms or Profeffio'ns thereof, viz.

Reformed or Protcftant, as the Chttrch of England, Lutheranifm, Cal- vmifm Sec Romifh or Lath % its Mafs, Breviary, Legend, Sec. 'Fravfubftantiaticn, Extreme Unction, Supererogation, Penance, &c. Hierarchy ; Pope, Cardinal, Sec. Secular, Regular, Monk ftrffcw*. Abbot, Prior, Sec. Order, Congregation, Monafiery,General,c<c. Jefmtfiarthuftan, Carmelite, Francifan, Dominican,^. Third Order, Cenobite, Ancho- rite, Hermit, Reclufe, Monaflery, Cell, Sec. Rule, Few, Reform, No- viciate, See. Image, Relicks, Sxint, Virgin, Rofary, Sec. Canonization, Beatification, Sec. indulgence, J&kilee, Exorcifm, Sec. Greek, its

Anthologue, Prothefis, Particles, Sec. Maronite, Jacobite, Tho-

m&an, Sec. Armenian, Cophti, Solitary, Sec. Sect", and Here-

iies ; as Manhhees, Gnofiics, Ar'ians, Sec. Ebionites, Ntftorians, Mil- lenaries, Sluartodecimans, Sec. Montanifls, Soc'mians, Armimans, Sec. Presbyterians, Anabaptifis, Independents, §lual;ers, Sec, Quietifls, Ser-

-vetifls, Pre-adamites, Sec. Deifi, Athe'ifi, Sfimofifm, Sec Jewifh,

its Talmud, Tradition, Sec. Temple, Tabernacle, Sanc'luary, Ark, Sec. Pontiff, Lev'ite, Tribe, Sec. F.phod, Theraphim, Circumcifion, Sabbath, Sanhedrim, Sec. Rabbin, Dottor, Cabbala, -Maffora, Sec. Pharifee, Sadducec, Effean, Caraite, Sec. Nazarite, Therapeuta, Sec. Samaritan,

Dofithean, Hellenifi, Sec. Paffover, Scenopegia, Gehenna, Sec. .

Mahometan ; Their Alcoran, Mufti, Derv'ice, Mofyue, Mufftilman, Sec. — Heathen ; Their Idolatry, Theogony, Sec. Their Gods ; Penates, Lares, Lemur es, Sec. Panes, Sylvans, Nymphs, Tritons, Sec. Demi-god, Hero, Fortune, Defliny, D&mon, Genius, Sec. Apothcofts, Sacrifice, Sec. Fcafi, Lttflrdiion, Sec. as Eleufinia, Saturnalia, Cerealta. Sec. Minifters there- of j Rex, Pontifex, Flamen, Vefial, Corybantes, Sec. Games ; Olympic, Iflhmean, Sec. Divination, Oracle, Pythian, Sibyl, Sec. Au- gur, Aufpcx, Sec. Temple, Fane, Pagod, &c. Sefts ; as Banians, Bramans, Sab&ans, Sec.

17 LOGICS, or the Confideration oflfaEAs orNonoNS; Their Kinds, Simple, Complex, Adequate, Sec. Difpofition, into Clafes or Categories, Predicaments, Predicates, Sec. Their Compofition, or Af- fociation into Axioms, Propofitions, Problems, Theorems, Thefes, Hy- pothefes. Arguments, as Syllogifm, Enthymeme, Sorites, Sophifm, Dilemma, Crocodilus. Sec, Their Resolution, Definition, Divifisn, Sec. into Premiffes, Cenfequences, Terms, Sec. Their Truth, Falpood, Evi- dence, Demonfiration, Sec. Operations therewith, as Argumentation, Induction, Difcourfing, Philofophizing, Sec. Difputaiion^Diflinclion, Con- tradiction, Reditclio ad abfurdum, Sec.

18 CHYMISTRY, including the Ufe ofFiRE, Water, Baths, Ferments, Menfiruums, furnaces, Retorts, and other Inftruments j to change Animal, Vegetable, and Fofil Bodies ; by inducing Fufton, Pu- trefaction, Fermentation, Dijfalution, Exhalation, Sec. and hereby procuring Spirits, Salts, Oils. Acid, Alcaline, Aromatic, Urinous. Whw y Vinegars, Flowers, Calces, Cryfials, Soaps, Tartars. Regulus, Magiflery, Extract, Elixir. Cerufs, Minium, Litharge. Quint effence, Phofphorits t Alcahefl, Philofopher's Stone, and the like i by the Operations of Dif- tillation, Expreffion, Cohobation, Sublimation, Reclification, CryfiilHza- tion, Calcination, Amalgamation, Digefiion, Precipitation, Vitrification,

Fixation, Tranfmutation, and the like. Arbor Dians., Aurum Fttl-

minans, Artificial Earthquake, Magic, Divination, Sec.

19 OPT I CS, including the Laws and Confiderau'on of Vision, and Vifible Objects ; efFected by means of Light, its Rays. Their Re- frangibility, Refiexibility, Sec. Focus, Tranfparency, Opacity, Shadow, Sec.

Reflection thereof, in Mirror, Look'wg-glafs, Catoptric dflula,

Sec. .Refraction, in Lens, Priftn, Glafs, Sec. Application, in Tele-

fcope, Microfcope, Magic Lanthorn, Sec. Spectacle, Polemofcope, Polyhe- dron, Camera Obfcura, Sec.

10 PERSPECTIVE, or the Projection of Points, Lines, Planes, Sec. in Seriography, Orthography, Ichnography,Anamorphofis, Sec

11 P A I N T I N G, or the Designing of Objects in Clair-ob- fcure, Proportion, Sec. with Crdonnance, Expreffion, Sec. Circumftances hereof, Attitude, Contrafl, Group, Sec. Kinds, Limning, Miniature, Camieux, Frefco, Sec. Enamelling, Mofaic, Sec.

11 PHONICS, or the Doctrine of Sounds, Voice, Sec,

Their Modifications in Echo, Refinance, Whifpering-Place, Speaking- Trumpet, Sec— —Their Tune, Gravity, Interval, Sec. Time, Tri- ple, Sec. exprefs'd by Note, Chord, Sec. Comparifons thereof, Con- cord, as Unifon, Octave, Third, Fourth, Difcord, Sec. Compofition, as Melody, Harmony, Counter-point. Symphony, Synaul'ta, Chime, Song, Rhythmtts, Sec. Kinds, Genera, Mode, Sec. Circumftances, Key, Cleff, Signature, Tranfpofnion, Sec. Staff, Scale, Gammut, S'Afaing, Modulation, Sec. I nftrumerits. Organ, Bell, Trumpet, Lyre, Cymbal, Violin, Harpfichord, Sec.

  • 3 HYDROSTATICS, or the Confideration of Fiuids 3

their Specific Gravity. Denfity, Equilibrh-m. Sec. Inftruments to mea- fure the fame, as Ar&omeier, Hydrofiatical Balance, Sec. Syphon, Tor- ricellian, Sec. Morion thereof, in Pump, Fountain, Spiral Screw,

Hydrocanifieritim, Hydromantic, Sec.

+ PNEUMATICS, or the Confideration of the Aik ; its

Weight, Denfity. Prejfure, Elafticity, Sec. Condenfation, RarefaSlhn, Motion, Wind, Sec. In Air-pump, Suction, Vacuum, Sec, Mca- fur'd by Barometer, Thermometer, Hygrometer, Manometer, &c. Anemometer, Windmill, Sec.

  • S MECHANICS, including, the Structure and Contrivance of

M a c h 1 n e s. as Balance, Steelyard, Pulhj, Pdyfpafl, Sec. Wheel, Clock, Watch, Pendulum, Spring;. Fufee. Sec. Clepfydra, Coach, Rota Arifio- telka. Perpetual Motion- Sec. Mill, Prefs, Vice, Lath, Loom, Windlafs, Sec. Operations of Swimming, Diving, Plying, Sec.

A R C H r-