Page:Cyclopaedia, Chambers - Volume 1.djvu/173

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The Judge of the Court of the Arches, is called the 'Dean of the Arches, or the Official of the Arches Court, i£c. with which Officially, is commonly joined a peculiar Jurifdiaion over thirteen Parifhes in Loudon, termed a 'Deanery, exempt from the Authority of the Bifhopoflra don, and belonjing to the Archbifhop of Canterbury ; of which the Parifh of Sow is one, and the principal.

Others fuppofe the Denomination and f unclions of Dean of the Arches to have arofe hence, that the Archbifhop's Official or Dean being oft cmploy'd abroad in foreign Em- battles, the Dean of the Arches was his Subftitut e in this Court. , , . ,

This Judge on any Appeal made, Forthwith, and without any farther°Examination of the Caufe, fends out his Cita- tion to the Appellee, and his Inhibition to the Judge from whom the Appeal was made.

The Advocates who are allowed to plead in the Arches Court, are to be Doftors of the Civil Law, in one of our TJniverfitics. See Advocate.

ARCHETYPE, Archetvpvs, a Pattern or Model, by which any Work is form'd, or which is copied after, to make another like it. See Model.

In this fenfe the Word coincides with Original ; and ftands oppofed to Copy. See Original and Copy.

Among Minters, lie. Archetype is peculiarly ufed for the Standard or original Weight, by which the other Weights are to be adjuiled and examined. See Standard.

The Philosophers, particularly the Tlatonifts, talk of an Archetypal World ; meaning, the World, fuch as it exifted in the Divine Mind, or in the Idea of God, before the Cre- ation. See Idea, Platonism, Sic.

The Word is compounded of «?;>*, Beginning; and two{, Type. See Type.

ARCHIACOLITHUS, q. d. Chief Acoly thus ; was an an- tient Dignity, in Cathedral Churches : the Minifters where- of were divided into four Orders, or Degrees, vim. Priefts, Deacons, Subdeacons, and Acolythi ; each of which had their Chiefs: The Chief of the Acolythi was called Archiacolythus. See Acolythus, Sic.

ARCHIATER,Archiatrus, Archiator, the chief Phyfician of a Prince who retains feveral. See Physi- cian.

The Word is form'd of the Greek *t%, 'Principittm, Chief; andi'r!?e®-, Medicus, a Phyfician.

ARCHIEUNUCH, Archieunuchus, the Chief of the Eunuchs. See Eunuch.

The Archieunuch was one of the principal Officers in Constantinople, under the Greek Emperors.

ARCHIGALLTJS, in Antiquity, the Chief of Cybele's Priefts, call'd Galli. See Gull

ARCHILOQUIAN, a Term in Poetry, applied to a fort of Verfes, whereof Archilochus was the Inventor. See Verse.

Thefe confift of feven Feet ; the four firtt. whereof are ordinarily Daflyls, tho' fometimes Spondees ; the three laft Trochees : for inflance ;

Solvitur acris Hyems grata vice Veris Si Favoni. Hor.

'Tis ufual to mix Iambic Verfes of fix Feet, abating a Syllable, with Archiloquitm Verfes; as Horace himfelf has done in the Ode now cited.

Thefe Verfes are alfo call'd Datlylic, on account of the Dactyls at the beginning. See Dactyl and Dac- tylic,

ARCHIMANDRITE, the Superior of a Monaftery ; amounting to what we now call Abbot. See Abbot, Su- perior, Sic.

Covarruvias ob r erves, that the Word literally denotes the Chief or Leader of a Flock ; in which fenfe it may he ap- plied to anv Ecclefiaftical Superior : Accordingly, we find the Name fometimes attributed to Archbifhops. But a- rnong the Greeks, whete it is chiefly ufed, it is reilrained to the Chief of an Abbey.

M. Simon maintains the Word originally derived from the Syriac ; at leaft the part Mandrite, which by a Circu- ition, he makes to fignify a Solitary or Monk.

ARCHIMIME, Archimimus, is the fame thing, in effect, with Arch-Buftoon.

The Archimimes, among the Romans, were Perfons who imitated the Manners, Geftures, and Speech both of the Living and the Dead. See Mime.

At firft they were only employ'd on the Theatre ; but were afterwards admitted to their Feafts, and at laft to their Fu- nerals ; where they walked after the Corps, counterfeiting the Geftures and Behaviour of the Perfon who was carry- ing to the Funeral Pile ; as if he were ftill alive. See Funeral.

ARCHIPELAGO, in Geography, a Sea interrupts] by a great Number of Iilands. Sea Sea.

The moll celebrated, and that to which the Name i s i a feme meafure appropriated, is that between Greece, Macs, donia, and Afia ; wherein are the Iflands of the jj.^. Sea : which is call'd the White Sea, in contradiltinaioa !o the Ettxine, which they call the Slack Sea.

The modern Geographers mention other Archipel„g ' s . as," that of Lazarus, n-ar the Coaft of Malabar and j£ lacca ; the Archipelago of Mexico ; that ot the Canbl Ki wherein are above nooo Iflands; that ot the <Pbilifpj m ' containing ncoo Iilands; thofe of the Molucco's, ot Cele'. bes, &c.

The Word is form'd, by Corruption^ ol JP-geopel^ q. d. JEgean Sea ; which, again, is form'd of A^os,*,,^ or Holy Sea ; a Name originally given it by the Greeks, oil account of the Cyclades, for which they had a very high Veneration*.

ARCH1PERACITA, or Archipheracita, an Offi. cer in the Jewjb Academies. See Academy.

The Archiperacita was not the fame with the Archifi. ntigmpis, as Grotius and others have miftakenly imagined; but rather the Chief or Principal ot thefe appointed to

read, explain, and profefs the Law, in their Schools ,

And hence the Name; which is form'd of the Greek « W) Chief; and the Hebrew or Chaldee p"E, Thcrak, Divifi on) Chapter. ARCH-Levite, Archilevita. See Archdeacon. ARCHMARSHAL.Archimarischallus, the Grand Marihal of the Empire. See Marshal.

The Elector of Saxony is Archmarffial of the Em- pire; and in that Quality goes immediately beiore the Emperor, bearing a naked Sword.

ARCH-Minister, Arciiiminister, the Prime Mi- nifter of a Prince or State. See Minister.

Charles the Said having declated Sofon his Viceroy l n Italy, under the Title of Duke ; made him alfo his firft Minifier under that of Archiminifier : from the Greek e fXl

and the Latin Minifier Chorier.

ARCH-Priest, Arciiipresbyter, a Prieft, efta. blilhed in fome Diocefes, with a Pre-eminence over the reft. See Priest.

Antiently, the Arch-'Prieft was the firft Perfon after the- Eifliop, and even afted as his Vicar, in his abfence, as to all fpiritual Concerns. In the fixth Century, there were found feveral Arch-'Priefis in the fame Diocefe; from which time they were call'd Deans. See Dean.

In the ninth Century, they diftinguifhed two kinds of Cures or Parifhes ; the fmaller, govern'd byfimple Priefts; and the Baptifmal Churches, by Archipresbyters, who, be- fidc the immediate Concern of the Cure, had the Infpec- tion of the other inferior Priefts, and gave an account there- of to the Bifhop, who governed the Chief or Cathedral Church in Perfon. See Bishop, Parish, Cathedral, He.

There are Arch-Tresbyters ftill fubfifting in the Greek Church ; veiled with moll of the Funftions and Privileges of Chorcpifcopi, or Rural Deans. See Chorefiscofm and Rural Dean.

ARCH-Printer, Architypographus. See Prin- ter. ,

ARCH-Prior, was a Name fometimes given to the Mafter of the Order of Templars. See Master and Templar.

ARCHISTRATEGUS, A W 5-Faf!»3/»f, the GeneraliiTiir.0, or Captain General of an Army.

ARCHITECT, Arciiitectus, a Perfon skill'd in Ar- chitecture, or the Art of Buildings ; who makes Plans and Dcfigns of Edifices, condufls the Work, and duetts the Mafons and other Artificers employ'd therein. See Ar- chitecture, Plan, Design, Sic.

The Word is derived from the Greek *fx<> Prince}!, and -raflw, Workman, q.d. the principal Workman.

The moft celebrated Architetls are, Vitruvius, •Palldm, Scamozzi, Serlio, Vignola, Sarbaro, Cataneo, Alberth Viola, Sullant, and De Lorme.

Vitruvius enumerates twelve Qualities requifite to «■> Architect ; That he be Docil and Ingenious ; Literate ; skill'd in Defigning ; in Geometry ; Opticks ; Arittime- tick; Hiftory; Philofophy ; Mufick ; Medicine; Law, ana Aftrology. See Building, Sic.

ARCHITECTONICK, that which builds a thing "P reoularly, according to the Nature and Intentions the' 6-

Thus, that plaftick Power, Spirit, or whatever elfe it °* which hatches the Ova of Females into living Creature of the fame Species, is by fome called the ArchiteS" 1 '- Spirit. See Plastics. tj rHI-