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of 'Plantin all the reft ; fo that the common Bibles have c Polyglots,to be that of Saadias : at leaft, in the main. Th none of the After-Corrections of the fame Clement X 111, Reafon is, that Aben Ezra, a great Amagonift of Saudis publiih'd at Rome in 1592. 'Tis a heavy Charge that lies quotes fome Paffages of his Verfion, which arc the fame

on the Editions of Pope Clement, viz. that they have fome new Texts added, and many old ones alter'd, to counte- nance and confirm what they call the Catholick 'DcBrine ; Witnefs that celebrated PafTage of St. John, Tres funt in ttnitm. See Vulgate.

There are a great Number of Latin Bibles of the third Clafs, comprehending the Verfions from the Originals of the Sacred Books made within thefe 200 Years : The firlt is that of Pagninus, a Dominican, printed at Lions in 4/0, much eiteem'd by the yews. This the Author improv'd in a fecond Edition : In 1 542, there was a beautiful Edition of the fame at Lions in Folio, with Scholia, publifh'd un- der the Name at Michael Villanovanus, i. e. Michael Ser- vctus, Author of the Scholia. Thofe of Zurich have like-

with thofe in the Arabick Veriion of the 'Polyglots ; yet others are of opinion, that Saadias's Veriion is not extant. In 1622., Erpenius printed an Arahick Pentateuch, call'd alfo the Pentateuch of Mauritania, as being made by the Jews of Mauritania, and for their life. This Veriion is very litteral, and eiteem'd very exact. The .four JBva7ige~ lifts have alfo been publifh'd in Arahick, with a Latin Veriion, at Rome in 1591, Folio. Thefe have been ilnce reprinted in the Polyglots of London and Paris, with foraei little Alterations of Gabriel Sionita. Erpenius publifh'd an Arabick New Teflamcnt, entire, as he found it in his MS. Copy, at Ley den, in 1616.

Coptic k Bibles. We have no Part of the Bible printed in Coptick^ but there are feveral Manuscript Copies in the

Wife publifh'd an Edition of Pagninus's Bible in 410. And good Libraries, cfpecially in that of the French King, R. Stephens reprinted it in Folio, with the Vulgate, in 1557, JEthiopick Bibles. The Ethiopians have alio tranfla- pretending to give it more correct than in the former Edi- ted the Bible into their Language, There have been prin- tions. There is alfo another Edition of 1585, with four ted feparately, the. Pfahns, Canticles, fome Chapters of Columns, bearing the Name of the Vatable : And we find Gene/is, Ruth, Joel, Jonas, Sophcnias, Malachias, and the it again in the Hamborough Edition of the Bible, in four New Tejlamcnt 5 all which have been fince reprinted in

Languages. In the Number of Latin Bibles is alfo, ufu- the Polyglot of London. For the JEihiopick New Tcjla-

ally, rank'd the Verfion of the fame Pagninus corrected, ment, which was firit printed at Rome in 1548, 'tis a very

or rather rendered literal, \>y Arias Montanus ; which Cor- unaccurate Piece, and is printed in the F.nglijh Polyglot witfi

rection being apprev'd of by the Doctors of Louvain, &c. all its Faults.

was inferted in the Polyglot Bible of Philip II. and fince in Armenian Bibles. There is a very antlent Armenian

that of London. There have been various Editions of it Verfion of all the Bible, done from the Greek of the Se-

in Folio, 4/0, and 8vo ; to which have been added the He- venty, by fome of their Doctors, about the Time of St.

brew Text of the Old Tefiament, and the Greek of the Chryfoflo?n. This was firfr printed entire in 1664, by one

2f&tx>. The beft of 'em all is the firft,5which is in Folio, 1571. of their Bifhops at Amflerdam, in 410 $ with the Ffewlef

Since the Reformation, there have been feveral Latin foment in Bvo. Verfions of the Bible from the Originals by Protefiants. Perfian Bibles. Some of the Fathers feem to fay, that

The moil: eftcem'd are thofe of Munfter, Leo de Juda, all the Scripture was formerly tranilated into the Language

Caflalio, and Tremellius : ■ The three laft whereof have of the Perfians 5 but we have nothing now remaining of

been reprinted various times. Cajlalio's fine Latin pleafes the antient Verfion, which was, doubtlefs, done from the

moft People $ but there are fome who think it too much Septuagint. The Perfian Pentateuch printed in the Lon-

affected : the beft Edition thereof is that in 1573. Leo don Polyglot, is, doubtlefs, the Work of Rabbi Jacob, a

de Judo's Verfion, alter'd a little by the Divines of Sala- Perjian Jew. In the fame Polyglot we have likewife the

manca, was added to the antient Latin Edition, as pub- four Fvangc lifls in Perfian, with a Latin Tranilation 5 but

lifh'd by R. Stephens with Notes, under the Name of Va- this appears very modern, incorrect, and of little Ufe. table. That of Junius and Tremellius is prefer'd efpecial- Gothick Bibles. 'Tis generally faid, that JFlpbilas, a

ly by the Calvinifis, and has undergone a great Number Gothick Bifhop, who lived in the fourth Century, made a

of Editions. Verfion of the whole Bible, excepting the Book of Kings y

One may add a fourth Clafs of Latin Bibles, compre- for the Ufe of his Country-men. That Book he omitted,

prehending the Vulgate Edition corrected from the Origi- by reafon of the frequent Mention of the Wars therein 5 as

nals. The Bible of Ifidorus Clarius is of this Number : fearing to infpire too much of the military Genius into that

That Author not being contented with reftoring the an- People. We have nothing remaining of this Verfion, but

tient Latin Copy, has corrected the Tranilator in a great number cf places, which he thought ill render'd. Some Protefiants have follow'd the fame Method ; and among others, Andrew and Luke Ofiandcr, who have each pub- liih'd a new Edition of the Vulgate, corrected from the Originals.

Oriental Bibles. At the head of the Oriental Verfions of the Bible, muft be placed that of the Samaritan, that fpeak the Sclavonick being the moft antient of all, and admitting no more for is a Dialect, Holy Scripture but the Pentateuch, or Five Books cf Mo- les. This Tranilation is made from the Samaritan He- brew Text, which is a little different from the Hebrew Text of the Jews. This Veriion has never been printed alone 5 nor any where but in the Polyglots of Loudon and Paris

the four Evangelifis, printed in \to 2x1)ort, in nScTj, from a very antient MS.

Mufcovite Bibles. An entire Bible in the Sclavonick Tongue, was printed at Oflra-via in Volliuia, in the Year 1 581 ; and this is what we commonly call the Ml'Jcovite Bible. 'Twas printed at the Expence of Con. Baf I, Duke of OJlravia, for the common Service of all Chriflians who Language, whereof the Mufcovhijh

Bibles in Vulgar 'Tongues are too numerous to be here rehearfed. See F. Si?;t07is Critical History. See al- fo the Word Polyglot, Pentateuch, &c.

BICEPS, in Anatomy, a Name common to feveral Muf- cles, from their having two Heads. Such is the

Biceps Cubiti, a Mufcle of the Arm, one of whofe Heads

Chaldce Bibles are no more than the Gloffes made by arifes from the upper Edge of the Cavity of the Head of th_ the Jews in the Time when they fpake the Chaldee Scapula, and is round and tendinous, and inclos'd in the Chan- Tongue. Thefe they call by the Name of Targnmim, or nel in the Head of the Humerus. The other arifes from the Paraphrafes, as not being any Ifrict Verfion of the Scrip- Procejjus Coracoides; it is broad and tendinous: and both ture. They have been inferted entire in the large Hebrew unite about the Middle and Fore-part of the Arm, and make Bibles of Venice and Baft I 5 but are read more commodi- one Belly, which is inferted by a itrong and round Tendon oufly in the Polyglots, being there attended with a Latin into the Tuberofity, at the upper end of the Radius. Some


Syriack Bibles. In the Year 1562, Widmanfiadius printed the whole New Tefiament in Syriac at Vienna, in a beautiful Character: After him there were feveral other Editions 5 and it was inferted in the Bible of Philip II. with a Latin Tranilation. Gabriel Sionita alfo pubiifhed a beautiful Syriack Edition of the Pfalms atParis in 1525, with a Latin Interpretation. The whole Bible is printed in Syriack in the Polyglots of London and Paris.

Arabick Bibles. In the Year 151*, Aug. fufiinian,

of the Fibres of this Tendon* form a large and th'mApc- neurofis, which covers all the Mufcles of the Radius and Fingers externally. Care ought to be taken in Blood-let- ting, not to cut a-crofs, but according to the Length of the Fibres of this Aponeurofis. This, with the Brachials iflr temus, bend the Arms,

Biceps externus. See Gemellus.

Biceps Tibi<?, a Mufcle of the Leg with two Heads 5 the one coming from the Tuberofity of the Jfchium, and the other from the middle of the Linea afpera ; both

Bifhop of Nebio, printed at Genoa tin Arabick Verfion of which loin together, and are inferted by one Tendon

the <Pfalter, with the Hebrew Text and Chaldee Para- phrafe, adding Latin Interpretations. There are Arabick Verfions of the whole Scriptures in the 'Polyglots of Lon- don zxii'Paris; and we have an Edition of the Old Lefta- tnent entire, printed at Rome in 1S71, by Order of the Congregation de propaganda Fide; but 'tis of little Ef- te jm, as having been alter'd by the Vulgate Edition. The

the fuperior and external Part of the 'Pcrone. Its Ufe is to help to bend the Tibia, and is likewife employ'd in turning the Leg, together with the Foot and Toes, out- ward, when we fit down.

BIDENTALES, Prielts among the antient Roman, infii- tuted for the Performance of certain Ceremonies, on occa- fion of a Thunderbolt's falling in any Place. The firft and

Arabick "Bibles among us, are not the fame with thofe ufed principal Part of their Office was, the facrificing of a Sheep

by the Chriflians in the Eaft. Some learned Men take of two Years old, which in their Lan<J U a?e was call'd Si-

the Arabick Verfion of the Old Tefiament, printed in the dens, as having Teeth on each Side ; wlien°ce alfo the Place

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