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Others, as Mr. Hauksbec, &c. have recourfe to the At- traction of the Aiinuii of the concave Surface of the Tube; to which Opinion the ingenious Dr. Morgan fubferibes : c Part of the Gravity of the Water in the Tube, fays that c Author, being taken off, by the attractive Power of the

  • internal concave Surface of the Glafs 5 the Fluid within

' the Tube, by the external greater Weight or Prefliire, ' mud afcend fo far, as to compenfate for this Diminution

  • of Gravity by the Attraction of the Glafs. He adds,

' that as the Power of Attraction in Tubes, is in a recipro-



Capital of a Pilafier, is that whofe Plan is fquare ; or at leaft rectilineal. See Pilaster.

The Capital is a principal, and effential Part of an Or-* der, of Column or Pilafter : It is made different in tlie different Orders ; and is that which chiefly and characterizes the Orders. See Order.

TbeT&fcffn Capital, is the moft Ample and unadorn'd: Its Members, or Parts, are but three, viz. an Abacus ; un- der this an Ovolo, or quarter Round ; and under that, a Neck, or Colarino. The Neck terminates in an Aftragal,

cai Ratio of the Diameters ; by leffening the faid Dia- or Fillet, belonging to the Fuji, or Shafi

meter, or by fuppofing the Tubes ftill fmaller and fmaller, ' Water, or any other Fluid, may be thus rais'd to any af- ' fignable Height.' 'PHI. Prim, of Medicine, p. 88, lie.

But this Author is fomewhat overfeen : For fince in every Capillary 'Tube, the Height to which the Water will fpon- taneoufly afcend, is reciprocally as the Diameter of the Tube ; it follows, that the Surface containing the fufpend- cd Water is always a given Quantity. But the Column of

Water fufpended in

The Character of this Capital, whereby it is diftinguifh'd from the 1)oric, &c. is that the Abacus is fquare, and quite plain, and has no Ogee or other Moulding ; and that there are no Annulets under the Ovolo. Indeed, Authors vary a little as to the Character of the Tufcan Capital. Vignola gives the Abacus a Fillet, in lieu of an Ovolo. Vitnivius and Scamozzi, add an Aftragal and Fillet, between the Ovolo and Neck: Serlio only a Fillet 5 Philander rounds


Tube, is as the Diameter of the Corners of the Abacus. In the 'Trajan Column there

the Tube": Therefore, if'the Attraction of the containing Surface be the Caufe of the Water's Sufpenfion ; it will follow, that equal Caufes produce unequal Effefts ; which is abfurd. And, again, not only his Solution, but his Phx- nomenon alfo is ftretch'd too far : For 'tis not in all Fluids the Phamomenon obtains ; but in Mercury the very contra- ry is found : the Fluid in a Tube, not rifing fo high as the

is no Neck ; but the AJiragal of the Shaft, is confounded with that of the Capital. The Height of this Capital is the fame with that of the Bafe, viz. one Module, or Se- midiameter. Its Projecture is equal to that of the Cincture at the Bottom of the Column ; viz. | of the Module. See Tuscan. The Doric Capital, befide an Abacus, an Ovolo, and Level of that in the Veffel ; and the Defect being found a Neck, in common with the Tufcan, has three Annulets, the greater as the Tube is fmaller. or little fquare Members, underneath the Ovolo, in lieu

We mult, therefore, recur to Dr. jfurin's Solution of this of the Aftragal in the Tufcan; and a Talon, Cima, or Phier.omenon, which is well fupported by Experiments : Ogee, with a Fillet over the Abacus. Authors vary, too, ' The Sufpenfion of the Water, on that Gentleman's Syftern, as to the Characters of this Capital: Palladio, Vignola, &c. ' is owing to the Attraction of the Periphery of the concave put Rofes under the Corners of the Abacus, and in the " Surface of the Tube, to which the upper Surface of the Neck of the Capital. The Height of this Capital, Vitru- ' Water is contiguous and adheres :' This being the only vius, &c. makes one Module ; and its Projecture 3 7 Mi- Part of the Tube, from which the Water mutt recede up- nutcs and an half. See Doric.

en its fubfiding ; and confequently the only one which, by The Ionic Capital is compos'd of three Parts; an Aba- the Force of its Cohefion and Attraction, oppofes the De- cus, confifting of an Ogee and a Fillet ; under this a Rind, fcent of the Water. This he Ihews to be a Caufe propor- which produces the Volutes, or Scrolls, the moft effential tional to the Effect ; in regard, the Periphery, and thefuf- Part of this Capital; and at the Bottom, an Ovolo, or quar- pended Column, are both in the fame Proportion as the ter Round : The Aftragal, under that Ovolo, belongs to Diameter of the Tube. The Sufpenfion thus accounted the Shaft ; the middle Part is called a Rind, or Bark, for, the feemingly fpontaneous Afcent will eafily be folv'd : from its fuppos'd Refemblance to the Bark of a Tree laid For fince the Water that enters a Capillary Tube as foon as on a Vafe, whofe Brim is reprefented by the Ovolo; and its Orifice is dipp'd therein, has its Gravity taken off by feeming to have been fhrunk up in drying, and to have twii- the Attraction of the Periphery, with which its upper Sur- ted into the Volutes. See Volute, and Scroll. The face is in Contact, it muft neceffarily rife higher ; partly Ovolo is adorn'd with Eggs, as they are fometimes call'd, by the Preffure of the flagnant Water, and partly by the from their oval Form : The Greeks call it the Echinos. See Attraction of the Periphery, immediately above that which Echinos, Egg, tfc. The Height of this Capital, M. is already contiguous to it. See Ascent. 'perrault makes 18 Minutes; its Projecture one Module,

Capillary FraBure. See Capillation. feven Tenths.

CAPILLATION, or Capillary FraBure, according to The Differences in the Charaaer of this Capital, flow fome Writers, is a Fracture in the Skull, fo fmall that it moftly from the different Managements of the Volutes ; can fcarce be perceiv'd ; bur yet often proves mortal. See and confift in this : That in the Antique, and fome of the Fissure. Modern, the Eye of the Volute anfwers not the Aftragal

CAPISTRUM, in Surgery, a Bandage for the Head, of the Top of the Shaft, as Vitnivius, and moft of the See Bandage.

CAPITAL, of the Latin Caput.

us'd on various Occa-

fions, to exprefs the Relation of a Head, Chief, or Princi- pal : Thus,

Capital City, intimates the principal City of a King- dom, Province, or State : as London is the Capital, or Ca-

Moderns make it : That the Face of the Volutes, which ufually makes a Flat, is fometimes curv'd and convex'd, fo as the Circumvolutions go advancing outwards; as is frequent in the Antique. That the Border, or Rim of the Scroll in the Volute, is fometimes not only a plain Sweep, as ordinarily ; but the Sweep is accompany'd with

pital City of England ; Mofco'ji of Rujfia ; Conftantinople a Fillet. That the Leaves which invert the Balluller, are of the Ottoman Empire; Rouen of Normandy, ckc. See fometimes long and narrow ; fometimes larger and broader: Metropolis, and City. That the two Faces of the Volutes, are fometimes join'd Capital, or Capital Stock, in Commerce, is the Fund, at the outer Corner ; the Ballufters meeting in the inner, or Stock of a trading Company or Corporation ; or the to make a Regularity between the Faces on the Front and Sum of Money they jointly furnifh, or contribute to be em- Back of the Building, with thofe of the Sides. That a- ploy'd in Trade. See Stock, and Fund. The Capital of mong the Moderns, fince Scamozzi, the Ionic Capital has the Eaft India Company, at its fitft Ereaion, was 3*989 /. been alter'd, and the four Faces made alike ; by taking Sterling, which was afterwards doubled; and is now com- away the Ballufter, and hollowing all the Faces of the puted at 739782 /. 500 Pounds in the Capital Stock of the Volutes inwards, as in the Compofite. That Scamozzi, Companv, entitles the Perfon to a Vote in the General and fome others, make the Volutes to fpring out from the Courts thereof. The Power given by Parliament to the Ovolo, as from a Vafe ; after the manner of the modern South Sea Company, to increafe their Capital, was the Compofite : whereas, in the Antique, the Bark pafll-s bo- Source of all the Mifchief which enfu'd. See Company. tween the Ovolo and Abacus, quite ftraight, only twitting Capital Crime, is that which fubjects the Criminal to at its Extremities to form the Volute. And iaftly, that ot a Capital Punifhment ; i.e. to the Lofs of his Head, or his late Years, the Sculptors have added a kind of little Feflo- Life. See Crime, and Punishment. ons, fpringing from the Flower, whofe Stalk lies on the Capital Medicines, in Pharmacy, are the great, or firft Circumvolution of the Volute ; and fuppos'd to repre- principal Preparations of the Shops ; remarkable for the fent the Locks of Hair, hanging down on both fides of the number of Ingredients, extraordinary Virtues, ($C. fuch as Face. See Ionic.

Venice Treacle, Mithridate, &c. See Mithridate, &c. The Corinthian Capital is much the ncheft : It has

Capital Lees, are the ftrong Lees made by the Soap- no Ovolo ; and its Abacus is very different from B*«  boilers, from Por-Afhes. See Soap. They are alfo us'd in Surgery, as a Caultic ; and to make the Lapis Infernalis. Capital Letters. See Capitals.

Capital, in Architeflure, the uppermoft Part of a Co- of a Vafe ; and the Neck is much lengthen d and enrich d

lumn or PHafter, ferving as the flexor Crowning thereof; with a double Row, of eight Leaves in each, bending their

plac'd immediately over the Shaft, and under the Entabla- Heads downwards ; and between them, fmall Stalks anting :

ture. See Shaft, and Entablature. whence fpring the Volutes ; which don't referable thole of

Capital of a Column, properly, is that whofe Plan is the Ionic Capital ; and which, mltead of the four in the tound. See Column.

the Tufcan, Doric, or Ionic ; as having its Faces circular, hollowM inward, with a Rofe in the middle of each Sweep. Inflead of an Ovolo, and Annulets, here is only a Brim

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