Page:Cyclopaedia, Chambers - Volume 1.djvu/395

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Their Properties are to warm and dry, to correal a fetid Breath, Jharpen the Sight, diflipate Films in the Eyes, for- tify the Stomach and Liver, and flop Vomiting. They are us'd in Apoplexies, Palfies, Lethargies, and other Diieafes of the Brain.

Such of the Fruit as efcape the Gatherers, grow and fwell on the Tree, and become full of a Gum us'd in Medicine, called Mother of Cloves.

There is alfo an Oil drawn from Cloves by Diflillation ; which, when new, is of a gilded white Colour, bur reddens as it grows old : 'tis us'd in Medicine as a fovereign Remedy for the Tooth-ach, and in Compofitions with the fame View as the Fruit. It is alfo much us'd among the Perfumers.

The Natives call the Tree Chamque^ the Per/tans and Arabs Karumfel, and the Turks Kalafour. They make feveral Preparations both of the Flowers and Fruit.

CLOUGH, or Draught, in Commerce, an Allowance of two Pounds in every hundred Weight for the turn of the Scale ; that the Commodity may hold out weight when fold out by retail.

CLUNY, or CLUGNY, a celebrated Abbey of Bene- diHin Monks, in a City of that Name ; being the Head, or Chief of a Congregation denominated from them. See Abbey, and Benedictins.

It is fituate in the Majbnnois, a little Province of France, on the River Grhic ; and was founded by William Duke of Berry and Aquitain ; or, as others fay, by the Abbot Ber- non, fupported by that Duke, in the Year <)io.

This Abbey was antiently fo very fpacious and magnifi- cent, that in J24.5. after the holding of the firft Council of Lyons, Pope Innocent IV. went to Cluny, accompanied with the two Patriarchs of Antioch and Conftantinople, twelve Cardinals, three Archbifhops, fifteen Bifhops, and a great number of Abbots 5 who were all entertain'd, without one of the Monks being put out of their place : tho S. Louis, 0^. Blanche his Mother, the Duke of Artois his Brother, and his Sifter ; the Emperor of Conftantinofle, the Sons of the ■ Kings of Arragon and Caftilc, the Duke of Burgundy, fix ' Counts, and a great number of Lords, with all their Retinue, were there at the fame time.

Cluny, at its firft Erection, was put under the immediate Protection of the Apoftolick See ; with cxprefs Prohibition to all Secular and Ecclcfiaftick Powers, to diflurb the Monks in the Poffcffion of their Effects, or the Election of their Abbot. By this they pretended to be exempted from the Jurifdicfion ofBifliops; which, at length, gave the Hint to other Abbies to infift on the fame. See Abbot.

Cluny is the Head of a very numerous and extenfive Con- gregation : In effect, it was the firft Congregation of divers Monafterics united under one Chief, fo as only to conftitute one Body, or, as they call it, one Order, that ever arofe. See Congregation, and Order.

CLYPEUS, CLIPEUS, or CLYPjEUM, a Buckler ; a piece of defenfive Armour, which the Antients us'd to carry upon the Arm, to fecurc them from the Blows of their Ene- mies. See Shield, and Buckler.

The Figure of it was either round, oval, or fcxangular : in the middie was a Bofs of Iron, or of fome other Metal, with a fharp point.

CLYSSUS, in Chymiftry, is one of the Effefls, or Pro- ductions of that Art ; confifting of the moft efficacious Prin- ciples of any Body, extracted, purify 'd, and then re-mix'd. See Chemistry.

Or, a Clyjfus is when the feveral Species, or Ingredients of a Body, are prepar'd and purify'd feparately, and then combin'd again. Thus, Salt, Sulphur, Oil, Spirit, and Mer- cury, reatfembled into one Body, by long Digcftion, igc. make a Clyjfus. Thus,

Cvtssvsof Antimony, is an agreeable acid Spirit, drawn by Diflillation from Antimony, Nitre, and Sulphur mix'd together. Sec Antimony.

There is alfo a Clyjfus of Vitriol, which is a Spirit drawn by Diflillation from Vitrioi diflblv'd in Vinegar : this is us'd by Phyficians in various Difeafes, and to extract the Tinc- tures of feveral Vegetables.

Clysstis is us'd among fome Authors for a kind of Sapa, or Extract, made with eight Parts of the Juice of a Plant, and one of Sugar, fceth'd together into the Confiftenceof Honey.

CLYSTER, in Medicine, a liquid Remedy, or Injeflion, introdue'd into the Inteflines by the Fundament; in order to rcfrefh them, loofen the Belly, moiften and foften the Fle- ets, diflipate Wind, ££V.

Clyfters are made of Bran- Water, and Milk, but more ufually of Decoctions of certain Herbs ; to which are added Honey, brown Sugar, fometimes Catholicon, and other Drugs. Clyfters are either Emollient, Carminative, Lenitive, Af- tringent, Laxative, Anodyne, Uterine, Antifebrific, Nou- 'ijhing, &c.

Uterine Clysters, are Injections into the Uterus, or Womb. Sec Pessary.

Htmrijhmg Clysters, are thofe apply'd with defign to uourifh Perfons who cannot take in any Aliment at the Mouth.

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HildanuS tells us, that AuVeri, a Phyfician, fed a Woman 1 of Quality fix Weeks by Clyfters compos'd of Capons Weill, and other Fowls, boil d to a Pulp, with Yolks of E»gs, ap- plied twice a Day. °" £ 'Tis difficult, however, to conceive flow Clyfters ihouid nouniri ; and the Cafe is brifkly controverted in the Memoirs of the French Royal Academy, between M. Littre, who maintains the Negative, and M. Lemery.

The Arguments urg'd by the firft, are, that the Materials of the Clyfter, for want of the ordinary Paffage, want the neceffary Preparations to be converted into Nourishment ; and befide that, are out of the Road for getting into the Blood : For in the firft of the large Intettines, call'd the Cecum, is a Valve called Vatvula Bautuni ; to oppofe the paffage of any Food into the firiall Inteflines : And there are no Lacteal Veins in the large Inteflines, but abundance in the fmallones. But the Lacteals arc rhc only Canals that can carry the Chyle into its Receptacle, and the Chyle the only Subftance that can nouriih.

To this M. Lemery objeas, that very great Anatomifts have found Ladcals in the large Inteflines, tho in finall number : But tho there were none, adds he, the Mefaraic Veins are indifputably diftributed to thefo Inteflines; and may eafily be fuppos'd to pump the moft fubtil Part of a Broth, and carry it into the Blood. M. Mery has pafs'd a Liquor immediately from the largo Inteflines into thefe Veins ; befides that, the animal Machine is fo porous thro'- out, that Nature feems to have intended an extraordinary way of conveying Fluids into the Blood, to be ready on ex- traordinary occafions.

This Notion will appear inconteftable, if M. Maria's The- ory of the Paffage of the Urine be admitted. Sec Urine.

Herodotus fays, the Egyptians were the firft who invented Clyfters ; ot rather, who apply'd 'em to ufe. Galen and •Pliny add, that they learnt the thing from, a Bird of their Country, call'd Ibis; which they frequently obferv'd to make this kind of Injection with its Beak, and afterwards to dif- charge it felf feveral times. Others fay, that the Ciconea, or Srotk, firft taught Men the Application of Clyfters.

The Word comes from the Greek rjJa, lavo, abluo, I wafll. CNEMODACTYLIUS, in Anatomy, a Mufclc, other- wife called Extenfor tertii Internodil digitorum. See Ex- tensor tertii Internodii, &c.

COACH, a Vehicle for commodious travelling, fufpended on Leathers, and mov'd on Wheels.

In England, and throughout Europe, the Coaches are drawn by Horfes, except in Spain, where they ufe Mules. In a part of the Eaft, efpecially the Dominions of the gteat Mo- gul, their Coaches are drawn by Oxen. In Denmark they fometimes yoke Rein Deer in their Coaches ; tho rather for Curiofity than Ufe.

The Coachman is ordinarily placed on a Seat rais'd before the Body of the Coach. But the Spauijb Policy has dif- plac'd him in that Country by a Royal Ordonnance ; on oc- cafion of the Duke d' Olivarcs, who found that a very im- portant Secret whereon he had conferr'd in his Coach, had been overheard, and revcal'd by his Coachman : Since that time, the Place of the Spanijh Coachman, is the fame with that of the French Stave-Coachman, and our Poftillion, viz. on the firft Horfe on the left.

The Invention of Coaches is owing to the French : yet are not Coaches of any great antiquity, even in France ; fcarce reaching beyond rhe Reign of their Francis I.

Their ufe. ar their firft rife, was only for the Country : and Authors obferve, as a thing very lingular, that there were at firft to more than two Coaches in 'Paris ; the one that of the Queen, and the other that of Diana, natural Daughter of Henry II. The firft Courtier who had one, was Jean de Laval de Bois Dauphin ; whofe enormous Bulk difabled him from travelling on Horfeback.

One may hence judge how much Vanity, Luxury, and Softnefs have grown upon our Hands in later Days ; there being now computed in that fame City no lefs than 1 5000 Coaches.

Coaches have had the Fate of all other Inventions to be brought by fteps and degrees to their Perfection ; at prcfent they feem to want nothing, either with regard to Eafe or Magnificence. Louis XI V. of France, made feveral fump; tuary Laws for reftraining the exceflive Richnefs of Coaches, prohibiting the ufe of Gold, Silver, r$c. therein ; but they have had the Fate to be neglected.

Coaches may be divided into two Kinds ; thofe that have Iron Bows, and thofe that have not : Both the one and the other have two principal Parts, the Body, and the Train, or Carriage.

The Body is that part where the Paffengers are difpos'd ; and the Carriage that which fuflains the Body, and to which the Wheels are faften'd, that give Motion to the whole Machine.

Coaches are diftinguifh'd, with regard to their Structure,

into Coaches, properly fo call'd, Chariots, Calajbes, and

Berlins. With regard to the Circumflances of their

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