Page:Cyclopaedia, Chambers - Volume 1.djvu/454

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For the Surfaces ; that of a right Com is had by multi- plying the Periphery of the Bafe into the Side, and adding the Product to the Bafe.

Suppofe, the Diameter of the -Cone N M, (Fig. .) ,6, Us Periphery will be t 7 S?4, and theBafe y6ilf. Sup- pofe the Altitude of the Axis K L, H6- fince L M - [>!M=.t and KM*=KL' + LM*= «o 5 i< +

( 300 ) CON

by multi- ufed for the Palpitation of the Heart

Confequently, the Superficies Bafe is 4 5 io = 8i<J,o ; and the

NM = >8, and K M

784=51300, KM=2474' of the Cone exclufive of the whole together 45 5 (J 457 6 " - , „ .... , „ ,„„„

■A to the MeljUre of the Surface, and Solidity of a trun- cated Cone, A BCD, (Fig. 7.) 1" Altitude CH, and the Diameter of its Balis A B and C D be.ngg.veir, find their To the Square of the Altitude re of the Semi-difference of the Ra< from tie Aggregate extrafl the fquare Root, will giv- the fide A C : TheSemi-fum of the Peripheries, multiplied bv that fide, gives the Superficies of the truncated Cone.

To find the Solidity : As the difference of the Sermdia-

meter A H is to the Altitude of the truncated Cone OH, 10

the grearer Semidiameter A F, to the Altitude eft the

' und fubrraft the Altitude of the

Circumferences^To the^uareot t„^ ~~, -j ^--^ ., cM Dfefo .

Syncope ; f orn8 . times in the Small-Pox and Mealies.

The ConfeBion of Hyacinth has nearly the fame Virtues with that of Alkermes ■ but, befide, is frequently ufed as an Ailringent. It confifts of near triple the Number f Drugs ; whereof the precious Stone, called the Hyacinth, i s the "Bafe : the chief of the reft are red Coral, Bole Armo- niac, Terra Sigillata, Myrrh, the Santals, burnt Hartfhorn, Camphire, Saphire, Emerald, Topaz, and moll of the In', gredients of the ConfeBion of Alkermes.

The Anacardine ConfeBion, now difufed in England, is compos'd chiefly of Anaeardines, whence/the Name ; the other Drugs are Long Pepper, Black Pepper, moll Kinds of Myrobalans, Caftoreum, Be. It is uled to purge rhe Blood,

The ConfeBion Hameeh takes its Name from that of i ts Inventor, an Arabian Phyfician. Its Ingredients are Poly, pody, Myrabolans, Agaric, Senna, Tamarinds, red Roles, Manna, Colocynth, lie. It is applied as a Draftic for the purging of the groflcr Humors and Vifcidities ; 'tis alfo uf fom'e reputation in Verrigoes and Cancers.

CONFECTOR, .among rhe antient Romans, a fort of

entire ConeV E This found, .•J^^V^Si'itS Gla"d.a~.or, hired to'fight In" the Amphitheatre againft Beafts 5 truncated Cone GF, which will leave that ot the Lone taKen ^^ ^ denominated Seftiarius. See Gladiator.

The ConfeBores were thus called a conficicndis iefiiis,

° Find the Solidity of the Cone C E D and A E B ; fubtracf the other from this ; the Remainder will be the Solidity ot the truncated Cone A C D B.

For the SeBions of the Cone, fee Conic Section.

For the Ratio of Cones and Cylinders, fee Cylinder.

For the Centres of Gravity and of Ojcillatwn of a Cone, fee Centre. . r

Cones of the higher Kinds, are thofe whofe Bafts are Circles of the higher Kinds; and are generated by luppp- f.n« a right Line fix'd in a Point, on high, tho conce.v d capable, of being extended more or lets, on occafion ; and moved or carried round a Circle. See Circle

Cone of Rays, in Opticks, includes all the feveral Rays which fall from an, Point of an ObjeS, on the Surface ot aGlafs. See Ray.

Cone or Conn, in the Sea Language, fignifii or condufl a Ship in her right Courfe. See Course.

He that Conns her, ftands aloft with a Compafs before him, and gives the Word of Direction to the Man at Helm r to fleer. Sec Steerage.

from their difpatching and killing Beafts. See Bestiarh.

The Greeks call'd 'em n<£*«, q. d. daring, rafh, de- fperate ; whence the Latins borrow'd the Appellations fa- raholani, m&'ParaMarii. See Parasol ani.

CONFECTS, or CONFITS, a Denomination given to Fruits Flowers, Herbs, Roots, and Juices, when boil'd and prepar'd with Sugar, or Honey, to difpofe them to keep ; or render 'em more agreeable to the Tatre.

The Antients only confitcd with Honey ; at prefent, Su- gar is more frequently us'd.

ConfeBs half fugar'd, are thole cover'd with a little Su- oar, to leave more" of the natural Taftc of the Fruit.

ConfeBs are reduced to eight Kinds, viz. Liquid Con- feBs, Marmalades, Jellies, Tajls, Dry ConfeBs, Conjeroes, to guide Candies, and Dragees.

Liquid ConfeBs, are thofe whofe Fruits, either whole, in pieces, in grains, or in clufters, are confited in a fluid tranl- parcnt Syrup, which takes its colour from that of the Fruits

boil'd in it.

There is a good deal of Art in preparing thele well ; it

r'd they turn ; and if too much, candy.

liquid ConfeBs are Plums, efpe-

hoW tu iicui. u^

twixtSeS' SEf^Yto&SSAlft they be too little Wdth,

T H et fording as the Vender would have dbMg The , «»*« drfAjl ^^ ^^

Cherries OrangeFlowers, little green Citrons from Madera, „ij have ,he Shin so green Ca'ffia from rhe Levant, Myrabolans, Ginger, Cloves gg U . d „f„! S.I sCL 8 8 Marmalades are a kind of Pafts, half liquid, made ot the Pulp of Fruits, or Flowers, that have Tome confidence ; as Apricots, Apples, Pears, Plumbs, Quinces, Orange-Flowers, and Ginoer. Marmalade of Ginger is broughr from the Indies by way of Holland : 'tis cfleem'd good to revive the natural Hear in old Men. See Marmalade.

fellies are Juices of feveral Fruits, wherein Sugar has

'""" 'd, and the whole, by boiling, reduced into a

Confiftence ; fo as, upon cooling, to referable a

thin tranfparent Glue, or Size. Jellies arc made of

Kinds of Fruits, efpecially Goosberries, Apples, and

There are other Jellies, made of Flelh, Filli,

the ■ Helm ; according as t put to the right or left fide of the Ship, upon w Ship always goes the contrary way.

If he fays, Helm a Mid-Jlnp, he wou right before the Wind, or directly between her two Sheets. "If the Ship fail by a Wind, or on a quarter Wind, the Word is, Aloof Keep your Luff, fall not off, Veer no more. Keep her to, Touch the Wind, Have a care of the Lee- Latch : All which Expreffions arc of the fame import, and imply that the Stecrfman fliould keep the Ship near the

W 0^'the contrary, if he would have her fail more large, or been diflolv'd

more before the* Wind, the Word is, Eafe the Helm, No pretty AidjP near» Hear up. ■ . , . ,„ -i

If he cries Steady, it means, keep her from going in and various ]

^L^l^t^^^Z^l^^ &n, i

iuft as fire does, he cries, Keef her thus, thus, Sec.

CONFARREATION, a Ceremony among th^antient ^ ~- ^^^f^ , putin;o .jrf,

and dried in the Oven.

fubjeft to corrupt. See Jelly.

'Pafts sac a kind of Matmalades, thicken d to that degree

hv boiling as to affume any form, when put into little Moids Romans, ufed in the Marriage of Perfons whofe Children by bo ,ng a y r ^ rf .

were dcftin'd for the Honour of the Priefthood and d ned,^ w U ^ Orange-Flowers:

Confarreation was the ****^?*£%Sg£'£ Thofe of Piflaches aremuch cftcem'd , thofe of Ginger are contract ng Marriage among that fcople ; and conmtea, ac mu.v. r_j;.. Op.p.^T.

K^S^^tt'SSS^te^ SSbfarc Ci,on and Orange-Pee,, Plumbs, Pears, Husband and Wife did eat of the fame wheaten Bread, and Ch^rr^Apricots,^. . f ^ ^ ^

^S^t^mac^^md.compoundRe- ^^ ^ -^wT'^a^ ^^Cap^

n ^^MSl-L:5SfflaN«erf^ Herbs; of Or/nge- Flowers, Violets, JetTami.,, Piftachos,

/eS!M « ; .three whereof in the Phyficians Language, are C^^lpotbecaries, under the Title of Confer*, ^^o^v^f-^-feof^^

Hyacinth, and the Anacardine : The purgative one is the ConfeBion Hameeh. . ...

The ConfeBion of Alkermes has its Name from the princi- pal Ingredient therein ; which is the Kermes, or Alkermes, or Scarlet-Grain. See Kermes, &c.

The other Ingredients are Pearls, Mufk, Cinnamon, Am- bergris, Leaf Gold, Juice of Pippins, and Role-Water.

It is rank'd among the beft Cardiacks, and is frequently

pared with Sugar or Honey, to preferve, £S?c. See Conserve.

Candies are ordinarily entire Fruits, candied over with su- gar after having been boil'd in the Syrup ; which renders 'em like little Rocks, cryflallu'd ; of various^ Figures ana Colours according to rhe Fruits inclofed within 'em.

The bell Candies are brought from Italy. See Candy.

■Dragees, or Sugar-'Pltsmbs, are a kind of little dry tonjecv.