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t ) CRU

The Word comes from the Hebrew Kens, tejla, fiBilit 2)u Cange derives it from Crvfdimim; which, in the lower Latin fignifies a little drinking Veffel.

CRUCIFIX, a Croft, whereon the Body of Jefus ChriO: is faften'd in Erfigy; much us'd by the Komanijh in their Churches, and other Places, to recognize the Paffion of Jefus Chrift, and to ferve them to direct their , Prayers to. See Cross.

There are fome Chapters wherein Jefus Chrift is the firfl: Canon, and the Fruits of the Prebend go to the Sublicence of the Crucifix.

CRUCIFIXION, an antient Form of Execution 5 by fattening the Criminal to an erected Crofs. See Cross.

CRUDE, fomething that has not pak'd the Fire, or has not had the degree of CoBion, i. e. of Heat, requifite to prepare it tor eating, or fome ether Purpofe. See Coction.

Crude or Raw Silk, is that which has not been put in boiling Water, to unwind it from off the Cod; nor boil'd in Water and Soap, to fit it for dying. See Silk.

In Chymiftry, they call Crude Antimony that which comes immediately from the Mines, without any Preparation. See Antimony.

In Medicine, Crude Humours arethofe which want of that Preparation and Elaboration which they ordinarily receive from Digeftion. See Crudity.

The Retainers to the Doctrine of Trituration, hold that the Crudity of the Humours only confifts in this;■ that they are not broke and comminuted fo much as they fhould be by the ordinary Action of the Stomach. See Trituration.

CRUDITY, in Medicine, the State of a Difeafe, where- in the morbifick Matter is of fuch Bulk, Figure, Cohefion, but the executive Part is left to his Secondary or Mobility, or Inactivity, as denominates it crude, i.e. as

creates or increafes the Difeafe. See Disease

<p0Yfd t of Flower d Crowns, thofe with Pearls, or Leaves fSmaJlag e » Parfley, i£c. fuch as were antiently almoft °11 CfV® n%, > even r " e °. ^ overe 'g n P«nces : Tho they were a us'd in their Armouries, till about 200 Years ago. 11 C» oWN » * n Geometry, a Fiane included between two ira ]lel or concentric Perimeters, of unequal Circles; ge- nerated by the Motion of fome Part of a Right Line round n Cen rre > r ^ e movm S ^ art noC being contiguous to the

The Area of this is had, by multiplying its Breadth by the middle Perimeter; for a Series of Terms in Arirhme- tick Progreffion being n x ^±15 ■ that is, the Sum of the and lafl multiply'd by half the Number of Terms, the roadie Element muft be Ht5 . wherefore, that multi- the two Terms will

ly'd by the Breadth or Sum of Lc the Crown.

CaowN-O^w, a Court or Office fo called, becaufe the (fr&wn is more immediately conccrn'd in what is therein tr anlacfed. See Crown.

Tho none of the Officers under the Lord Chief Juftice are employ 'd in fummoning a Parliament; yet, many of them have Bufinefs in other Matters, during the iitting of the Parliament : As, in Cafes of Error, &c. but more efpe- c j a Uy on Trials of Peers; wherein the Clerk of the Crown is chief Manager.

He hath likewife, out of Parliament, all Indictments in the Crown, Informations, Recognizances; and a multitude of other Bufinefs runs thro* his Hands, as the writing of all Pleadings, Declarations, and other Proceedings upon Re- cords : Deputy

Crown-Glass, the fincfl; fort of Window-Glafs. See


Crown-Post, in Architecture, a Poft which in fome Buildings Hands upright in the middle, between two prin- cipal Rafters. See Post.

Crown-Wheel of a Watch, is the upper Part next the Balance, that drives it by its Motion. See Watch.

Crown-work, or Crowning, in Fortification, Outworks running in the Campagne, to keep off the Enemy, to gain fome Hill, or advantageous Poft, and to cover the other Works of the Place. Sec Outwork.

It confifts of two Demi-BafHons at the Extremes, and an entire Baftion in the middle, with Courtines. CRUISE, from the German Kruis, a-crofs, fignified to

CROWNED Horn-work, is a Horn-work with a Crown- crofs to and fro, to fail up an down for guard of the Seas,£fc. work before it. See Horn work. CRUOR, a Term ufed by Anatomifts for the red Glo-

CROWNING, is underftood, in the general, of any bules of the Blood; in contra diftincti on to the limpid or thing that terminates, or finifhes a Decoration of Architec- ferous Part. See Blood.

rare : Thus, a Cornice, a Pediment, Acrorcria, &c. are Some Authors, Dr. Keill and Dr. Woodward for inftance, . call'd Crownings. See Acroter, &c. fuppofe thefe Globules replete with an elaftick Aura, or Air;

Thus, alfo, the Abacus is faid to crown the Capital; and and on this Principle account for fome of the Phenomena of thus any Member or Moulding is faid to be crown d, when the Animal Oeconomy; particularly Mufcular Motion, &c*

A Crudity is difcover'd, ifr, from the Difeafe's continuing its degree of Strength, or increasing. 2d, From a continual In- crease of Symptoms, 3d, From a di (orderly Exercife of the Functions. 4th, But chiefly from a Fault in the Quantity or Quality of the Humours; both thole itill circulating, and thofe fecrcted, and evacuated : as of Sweat, Tears, Mucus oF the Nofe, Saliva, Sputum, the Bile, Urine, Ichor, Pus, Blood, Menfes, Loches, Milk, Aphtha, £5?c.

That State of the Difeafe, wherein the crude Matter is changed, and render'd lefs peccant, and laudable, is call'd DigefHon, Concoction, or Maturation. See Digestion, Concoction, £J?c.

it has a Fillet over; and a Niche is crown'd, when it is co ver'd with a Capital. See Moulding, Niche, &c.

CROUPADE, or Qroupade, in the Manage, a Leap, higher than the Corvet, wherein the fore and hind Part of a Horfe keep an equal height; his Legs being trufs'd under his Belly, without ftrerching 'em out, or ihewing his Shoes.

CROUPER, or CRUPPER, the hind Part of a Horfe; comprehended between the Place of the Saddle, and the Tail.

The Word is fbrm'd from the German Gruh, thick, fat : S« Cavge derives it from the Italian Groppa, Buttock.

CRUCIAL Incijton, in Chirurgery, an Incifion, or Cut into fome fle/liy Parts, in form of a Crofs. t CRUCIBLE, a little VefTel, ordinarily of Earth, fome- times Iron, without any Handle; us'd by Chymifts, Coin- ers, Goldfniiths, Glafiers, and other Artificers; to melt and calcine Gold, Silver, or other Metals whereon they work. See Fusion, Calcination, t£-c.

Earthen Crucibles are made of glaz'd Earth, with Stone ^otfiierds pounded and fifted : They are of various Sizes, hut generally of the fame Form, which refembles that of an inverted Cone, or Pyramid.

Tis thefe are chiefly us'd in Coinage, as being the only ones in which Gold will melt without irritating. Iron Orttci- j' w are in form of little Pails without Handles, made of Iron well forg'd and beaten : In thefe they melt Silver, Copper, tfc.

There are Earthen Crucibles that hold from 100 to 5 or 4oo Marks; but thofe ordinarily us'd are but of 100. The Iron ones are larger; fome holding 12 or 15CO Marks : Thefe are not taken off the Furnaces when the Plates are to be sun, b ut the Metal is laden out with an Iron Ladle. 'Tis a

But Dr. Jurin has overturn'd that Suppofition. See Mus- cular Motion.

Vanhelmont ufes the Word Cruor for the Blood in the Veins; in contradiftinction to the Blood in the Arteries, which he calls fangttis. See Vein, and Artery.

CRURA Ctitoridis, in Anatomy. Between the Corpora Nervofa of the Clitoris, runs a Septum, or membranous Partition, from the Glans to its Divarication at the Os 'Pubis; dividing the Clitoris into two Parts, call'd the Crura of the Clitoris.

Thefe are three times as long as the ordinary Trunk of the Clitoris it felf. See Clitoris.

Crura of the Medulla Oblongata, are two of the four Roots whence the Medulla Oblongata fprings, in the Brain.

The Crura are the larger Roots; the two fmaller are call'd 'Pedunculi. See Medulla Oblongata.

CRURAL, in Anatomy, an Epithet given to the large Artery and Vein of the Thigh. See Thigh.

The Crural Artery arifes from the Iliac Artery; or rather, 'tis the Iliac it felf, under another Name; being call'd Cru- ral, from the Place of its Entrance into the Thigh. See Iliac.

It conveys Blood thro' all the Part, by means of a great Number of Branches diffeminated thro' its Subftance.

The Crural Vein is fbrm'd of fix other Veins, W3. the great and little Sciatica, the Mufcula, the "Poplitea, the Su- ral, and the Saphena. See Sciatica, $$c.

CRURjEUS, in Anatomy, a Mufcle arifing from the fore Part of the Thigh- Bone, between the leffer and greater Trochanter, and lying clofe upon the Bone, joins its Tendon with three others, which altogether make one broad Ten- ..... - don, that paffes over the "Patella, and is inferred into the

Rule never to put as much Metal in the Crucible as it will little Tuberofity on the upper and fore Part of the .Tibia. hold See Coinage. 'Tis call'd CrurdSiis, as being faften'd in the Thigh-Bonc

The Crucibles ufed by Goldfmiths and Founders are like in the fame manner as the Brachials to the Arm. Its ufe thole ufed in the Coinage : Thofe of Chymifts, &e. are of J s to extend the Leg. all Sizes, according to the Quantity and Quality of the Metal to be put in 'em, ^ 3 ^ ' CRUS,